KIds sermon "Don’t Be Fooled!"

Bible Passage: Mark 13:3-5

false Jesus

Main Point: Jesus warns us not to be led astray by anyone claiming to be Him. We need to know who Jesus truly is and follow only Him.

Object lesson Materials Needed:

  • A fun wig or disguise (could include glasses, a hat, or anything that looks "sneaky")
  • A picture of Jesus (or a cross) to refer back to as the “real Jesus”
  • A simple prize (like stickers or a small treat) for children who can “see through” the disguise (optional)
  • Optional: A sign saying "The Real Jesus" to emphasize the focus of the lesson
  1. Introduce the Disguise
    • The leader puts on a disguise (like a wig and glasses) out of the children’s view and then enters, pretending to be someone else in the church (e.g., the organist, worship leader, or even a “famous person”).
    • They should dramatically say, “Hello! I’m [pretend name], and today I’m here to share something special with you!”
    • Act over-the-top and a little silly to grab the kids’ attention. Make it fun!
  2. Ask the Children
    • After a few seconds, pause and ask the children, “Do you believe that I’m [pretend name]? Or do you think I might just be your teacher in a disguise?”
    • Allow kids to giggle, talk, and eventually figure out who you really are. (Note – Make sure the person who you are pretending to is confident and wont be miffed)
  3. Reveal the Truth
    • Take off the wig and glasses and say, “You were right! I’m really [your real name], not [pretend name]. You didn’t let me fool you because you know who I am!”
    • Explain that just like today’s trick, sometimes people may try to pretend they are someone they’re not. And sometimes, people even pretend to be Jesus or say things that don’t match what Jesus taught.
  4. Read the Bible Verse
    • Open your Bible to Mark 13:3-5 and read: “Watch out that no one leads you astray. Many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am he!’ and they will lead many astray.”
    • Explain that Jesus was warning us to be careful because some people might try to say they’re Jesus, or they might teach things that aren’t true.
  5. Explain Why We Need to Stay Close to Jesus
    • Say: “So how do we make sure we’re following the real Jesus? We can do this by learning what He really said and did in the Bible. When we know Jesus well, it’s easier to spot things that aren’t true!”
    • Show the picture of Jesus (or the cross) and explain that whenever we’re not sure, we can always look back to what Jesus said and trust what the Bible says about Him.
  6. Play a Quick “Real or Not?” Game (optional extra if you have time)
    • Tell the kids you’ll say a few things about Jesus, and they should decide if it sounds true or not. If it’s true, they should shout, “Real!” If it’s not, they should shout, “Not real!”
      • Sample statements:
        • “Jesus said, ‘Love your enemies.’” (Real!)
        • “Jesus said, ‘Take lots of money and only help yourself.’” (Not real!)
        • “Jesus healed people who were sick.” (Real!)
        • “Jesus said, ‘Be selfish!’” (Not real!)
  7. Wrap-Up and Encourage Them to Know Jesus Well
    • Say: “Great job! You’re already good at spotting what’s real about Jesus and what’s not. Remember, the best way to follow the real Jesus is by learning about Him and sticking close to His love and kindness. Let’s pray and ask Him to help us always know His truth!”
  8. Closing Prayer
    • Dear God, give us wisdom to know the real Jesus and not be lead astray. Help us to stay close to Him and follow Him daily. In Jesus’ name – Amen

Copyright 2024 Sunday Children’s Focus. Feel free to use this on Sunday but please give credit to this site and consider sharing the website link. Blessings – A.H.