Children's Printable bible quiz  

Bible quiz questions:             

What is the longest name in the Bible?    Look in Isaiah ch 8      Maher shalal hash baz (vs 1-5)
What did the disciples find in a fishes mouth in Matthew chapter 17?    -- Money
What is the shortest verse in the Bible (About Jesus)    see John chap 11     β€œJesus wept.” Vs 35
In Isaiah 40 what does it say that those who β€œwait upon the Lord” will be like?      Ch 40vs31- Eagles
Who did Jesus call a Fox in the Gospel of Luke?   Hint: Luke chapter 13   Verse 32 – Herod
What did Aaron allow the people t make when Moses was up on a mountain?   (Exodus 39    -- A golden calf
How old was Jesus when he visited the religious teachers in the Temple?   (Find it in Luke 2) – 12 yrs.
On the mount of Transfiguration how white were the cloths of Jesus? (Find it in Matthew chapter 17)
-- White as light (vs. 2) How bright was his face? Vs 2 – Like the Sun.
What island did John write the Book of Revelation from?    (Look in Rev. chapter 1) vs 9 – Patmos
When Jesus was born what country did the angel tell Joseph to escape to? (see Matt. 2) – Egypt
What natural event was experienced by the Philippian Jailer at Midnight (See Acts 16) – An Earthquake
Who ate locusts and will honey in the bible?   (Look in Matthew chapter 3) -- John the Baptist
What did Jonathan give to David as a symbol of his loyalty? (see 1 Sam. 18)   -- A Robe
Who initially built the city of Babylon?                   (Look in Genesis chapter 10 and 11) –Nimrod
Who rebuilt the city of Babylon?     (See Danial chapter 4)    -- Nebuchadnezzar
What special ability helped Joseph get out of jail? (see Gen 40 & 41) -- He interpreted dreams
What kind of seed did Jesus use to explain the Kingdom of God (See Matt 13, Mark 4) –Mustard





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