Children’s object lesson /sermon for Mother’s Day

Basic lesson idea:

Short mother’s day object lesson:  Bring hats / objects (representing various rol)es) i.e.  Police hat, cook’s hat /stethoscope, nurses hat, hard hat, etc. Place them on various volunteers and explain what each does and how these are important roles /occupations. Then bring up a mother. Explain how mothers have a role that involves being skilled in all these areas!  (You may have to make up some hats / items if you don’t have them around the house)

Full Children’s Sermon:

Good morning children! Look what I have with me this morning. Do you know what this is? (Hold up a chef’s hat and place it on someone’s head) That’s right! It’s a hat used by cooks. Cooks are important because they cook up nice healthy meals to eat. What about this? (Hold up a stethoscope) Who wears this? That’s right, a doctor or a nurse. They have a very important role. If we become sick they help us to get better. They have a very important job! What about this hat? (Hold up a police hat and place it on someone.) That’s right. It’s used by police officers. They are very important for keeping the peace and making sure everyone behaves and gets along. (Continue on. You get the idea! )

I am so thankful that we have people like this in our town. What would we do without them? However, do you know that there is someone who does all of those jobs? There is someone who is a police officer, a cook, a nurse, a taxi driver all in one! (Bring up a well-known mother and have her stand before the kids.) It is MOTHERS! Mothers keep the peace and break up fights when children aren’t getting along well. They cook meals to make us healthy. They are like a doctor or nurse when they help us get better or help put on a band aid. Mothers are amazing people!

Today is mother’s day. We want our mothers (or whoever looks after us) to know how much we appreciate them. So make sure you tell them how much you love them and are thankful for all they do. Also, let’s thank God too. He is the one who made mothers!

Children’s Prayer: Dear God, Thank you so much for giving us mothers (or whoever it is who looks after us). They are such wonderful people. Please bless them today and show us how we can show our love to them in return. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

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