Basic idea:
When the children are gathered up front say a brief word about the importance of saying thank you. Ask if there are any members of the congregation that know how to say “Thank you” in their native tongue. Ask them to say it out loud. (You could ask the children to try repeating the phrase) You could include ‘thank you” in sign language. After hearing from 4 or 5 individuals explain how God knows all languages and how we can say thank you to in any language in prayer.
Objects needed – None
Individual from different ethnic backgrounds could be approached ahead of time but you can also just do this spontaneously.
Full Thanksgiving message for the kids:
Good morning children. Do you know what is special about this Sunday? That’s right it is Thanksgiving Sunday. We want to give thanks to God every day, but on this Sunday we want to take time to remember all that things that we are thankful for in Life. What are some of the things that you are thankful for? (Spend a brief moment interacting with the children) Now, when I want to say “thank you” I just use my normal English language and say “Thank you God!” But, in other countries they say “thank you” in different languages. Let see if there are any people in our congregation that can say “thank you” on a different language. (Ask individuals to stand up and say thank you in their native tongue. It might be fun to see if the children can repeat the phrases in the foreign language. Consider having someone share using sign language. Thank the various individuals who helped out.)
Now, children as you can see there are many ways to say thank you. The good news is that God is very smart (in fact he knows everything!) and he can understand every language in the world. It doesn’t matter what language we use. The important thing is that we do say thank you to God for the many ways we have been blessed. Join me now in saying thank you to God.
Children’s Prayer: Dear God, there are so many things we are thankful for (perhaps mention some of the items the children mentioned) but above all we are thankful for your great love that you have for each one of us. Thank you also for sending Jesus to be our Saviour and our friend – In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen!
(You could also close by having the group give a loud “Thank you God!”)
Note: American Sign Language for Thank You – Place your open hand and fingers up against your closed mouth. Bring your hand out and down toward the individual with your palm facing up.
Copyright 2015 Andrew Hewlett and Sundaychildrensfocus - Feel free to use this message but please give credit to Sundaychildrensfocus.com and consider linking your web site to this page. Thank you! - Also...please "Like" this on facebook!
Feel free to use this story on Sunday Morning but please give credit to Sundaychildrensfocus.com and consider making a link to this page. A.H. and please "like" this page!
Another story option: Theme: God looks at the heart (Option #2 Spontaneous Drama) Text: RCL Old Testament 1Sam 15:34-16:13 Props: 7 adults and one teen or younger child brought up from the congregation Basic idea: A short spontaneous drama of Samuel choosing a King. Highlight how God picked the young boy David because he “looked at the heart” and not just the outward appearance. (This is designed to be short, sweet and simple – about 5 minutes max. No prep needed for the helpers) Full Story: Good morning children! This morning I want to tell you about one of the bible readings that we have for today. It’s the story of the prophet Samuel choosing a new king for Israel. A person named Jesse brought seven of his sons to Samuel to see if one of them would be chosen as the new king. I need 7 volunteer men to help me. (Pick them quickly and get them to line up at the front of the church near the children.) Now, I need one other younger person to help with this story. (This will be David the shepherd. Ask this person to stand further off to the side but in view. – You could get them to hold a home-made shepherd staff.) (Stand in front of the 7 adults. Stand in front of each one as you consider who is to be chosen. Think out loud as if you were Samuel) First of all Samuel saw one of the tallest and impressive sons and thought to himself “This must be the one who is to be king!” But God spoke to Samuel and said, “No – he is not the one I have chosen.” Then Samuel went to the next son. (Continue down the line letting the children hear Samuel’s thoughts and also God’s direction. Show some disappointment when you come to the end of the line.) So there are no other sons? What! There is the youngest son who is tending the sheep out in the fields? Go get him and bring him to me. (Send one of the “sons” to go get the shepherd boy David. ) When David was brought in front of Samuel God said “This is the one I want to be King.” (Get young “David” to step forward. You might “anoint” David or place a crown cut out of paper on his head. Get the congregation to give him a cheer!) Isn’t that amazing children. All these other people looked like they might be the one God was going to pick – but God picked young David. God told Samuel why he picked David over the others. God said that people can only see the outside but God looks at the heart. God saw something special in David’s heart that others couldn’t see. That’s important for us to know. We want to wash ourselves, wear nice clothes, and comb our hair so it looks nice, but these good things are still not as important to God as what we are on the inside – in our heart. Pray. God, you know everything about us. You know what we look like on the outside and the kind of person we are on the inside. Lord, through your son Jesus, and the power of the Holy Spirit, help us to be transformed into people that have a heart that is truly after your own heart. We ask this is the name of Jesus, Amen Copyright Andrew Hewlett 2009 Sundaychildrensfocus.com Feel free to use this story at your Sunday morning service but please give credit to Sundaychildernsfocus
Basic lesson idea:
Short mother’s day object lesson: Bring hats / objects (representing various rol)es) i.e. Police hat, cook’s hat /stethoscope, nurses hat, hard hat, etc. Place them on various volunteers and explain what each does and how these are important roles /occupations. Then bring up a mother. Explain how mothers have a role that involves being skilled in all these areas! (You may have to make up some hats / items if you don’t have them around the house)
Full Children’s Sermon:
Good morning children! Look what I have with me this morning. Do you know what this is? (Hold up a chef’s hat and place it on someone’s head) That’s right! It’s a hat used by cooks. Cooks are important because they cook up nice healthy meals to eat. What about this? (Hold up a stethoscope) Who wears this? That’s right, a doctor or a nurse. They have a very important role. If we become sick they help us to get better. They have a very important job! What about this hat? (Hold up a police hat and place it on someone.) That’s right. It’s used by police officers. They are very important for keeping the peace and making sure everyone behaves and gets along. (Continue on. You get the idea! )
I am so thankful that we have people like this in our town. What would we do without them? However, do you know that there is someone who does all of those jobs? There is someone who is a police officer, a cook, a nurse, a taxi driver all in one! (Bring up a well-known mother and have her stand before the kids.) It is MOTHERS! Mothers keep the peace and break up fights when children aren’t getting along well. They cook meals to make us healthy. They are like a doctor or nurse when they help us get better or help put on a band aid. Mothers are amazing people!
Today is mother’s day. We want our mothers (or whoever looks after us) to know how much we appreciate them. So make sure you tell them how much you love them and are thankful for all they do. Also, let’s thank God too. He is the one who made mothers!
Children’s Prayer: Dear God, Thank you so much for giving us mothers (or whoever it is who looks after us). They are such wonderful people. Please bless them today and show us how we can show our love to them in return. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Copyright 2017 Sundaychildrensfocus.com Feel free to use this on Sunday morning but please "like" this on facebook and consider linking to this web site. Thank you! A.H.
A prophet without honor Mark 6: 1-13
Children’s sermon idea: Show the children some visual symbols we use to honor people. Explain how Jesus was not always honored by those around him. Help the children understand how we are not always honored or understood when we share the love of Jesus with others.
Props: Anything that we use to honor people. An Olympic medal, a fancy chair, large sign with the words “THANK YOU”.
*(As an alternative / addition you could have the congregation give a cheer of approval or a frown)
Full Children’s sermon: Good morning children! Do you see this medal? What sort of person would you give this to? That’s right, someone how won a race or did really well at some sports event. Who would you give a giant thank you card to? Yes, someone who did something that you really appreciated. Who might you get to sit in a really fancy chair like this? Sometimes people show their appreciation by cheering. I’m going to get the congregation to give you followers of Jesus a big cheer. (Prompt the congregation to rousing cheer.) Wow! That felt pretty good, didn’t it! We all like to be appreciated and we all like it when people say thank you for something we did. There is a word that explains how we might feel. It’s the word “honor” (You might want to unpack this a bit. You could also ask the congregation to frown as that look at the children.)
You probably know that Jesus travelled around doing good wherever he went. But did you know that not everyone was happy with him? Not everyone honored him. In fact, sometimes even those very close to him did not understand or honor him for the wonderful things he did. You might think that everybody would be happy with what he did but that is not what always happened.
As followers of Jesus, we will not always be appreciated or honored for the good things we do. In fact, sometimes close friends may make fun of us or get angry at us. This happened to Jesus, and it will sometimes happen to us. When that happens, it might make us sad, but we should not stop doing good and showing love to others! It’s nice when people honor us with a cheer or a word of thanks, but we need to keep following Jesus even when nobody seems to care.
(You might want to wrap up the message by getting the congregation to give a big cheer for the kids.)
Children’s Prayer: Dear God, thank you that Jesus kept on showing love to people even when some didn’t appreciate it. When people don’t say thank you (and honor) us, help us to know that YOU love us. That is the most important thing. In Jesus’ name – Amen!
Copyright SundayChildrensFocus.com Andrew Hewlett 2021
(Feel free to use this on Sunday morning but please give credit to this site and “Like” us on your social media platform. Thank you! A.H.)
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