Jesus will transform Simon Peter into a Rock. Kids sermon on John 1:42

Jesus Transformation

Kids sermon idea: This is a fun introduction into the idea that Jesus will make Peter into a solid rock of a disciple. Set up a large box or a stand-up partition to be an imaginary “transformation machine”. Have someone walk behind the machine (or into the box) looking shy and fearful. Have them come out the other side standing up straight and looking confident. Wouldn’t it be great if there was such a machine! Explain how Jesus is in the business of transforming people. Jesus called Simon and said he would make him Peter – the rock. Jesus wants to make us into the people we were created to be.

Set up: 1. A stand up partition or a large box (If you know someone who has purchased a fridge recently. You could add a sign saying, “transformation machine”. 2. Prearrange for someone to enter your machine.

Children’s story: Good morning children! Look what I have here this morning! It’s my transformation machine. I will test it out with my friend Arnold. Look at Arnold. He looks a little shy and fearful. I’m going to have him enter my newest invention. It’s a transformation machine. It makes us into the people we were created to be. (Have Arnold walk behind the partition or into the large box. You could push some pretend buttons for special effects. Have them exit your transformation machine and come out the other side standing tall and full of confidence and enthusiasm.) Wow! Isn’t that amazing! He went in shy and fearful and came out standing tall and confident. My transformation machine is a success!

Unfortunately, this is just a pretend machine. No one has been able to invent a transformation machine. However, Jesus said that his followers could be transformed into the people God created us to be. In our bible reading today Jesus called Simon to follow him. He said that he would call him Peter, which means rock. Jesus was going to transform him into a bold disciple. He would be strong like a rock.

In a similar way, Jesus wants us to follow him, and he promises to transform us. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, he will us make strong, loving, and bold followers of Jesus.

Children’s prayer: Dear God, thank you that Jesus transformed Simon into the Peter the rock. Help us to be faithful followers of Jesus so that we too will be transformed into bold and loving disciples who will help change the world. In Jesus’ name – Amen!

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