Sheep without a shepherd – For the Children’s story or Sunday school
Text Mark 6: 30-34 Lectionary Trinity 6 

Basic idea: Have the children pretend they are sheep without a shepherd (Bleat, go around in circles and bump into one another). Then show how a shepherd can protect the sheep and lead them into good pasture.
Alternate idea: Discuss the problem of having a train without a conductor, a plane without a pilot, a classroom without a teacher. Explain why it is important for the sheep (us) to have a shepherd (Jesus).
Full Story: Good morning children. Today’s bible reading is about Jesus and his compassion and love for all the crowds of people. Jesus said he was very concerned because the people were like sheep without a shepherd. Jesus was like a good shepherd and he longed to show his love and care for all the people just as a shepherd would look after a flock of sheep. I want us to pretend that we are like a flock of lost sheep with no shepherd. (I would ask a number of young adults to come up and help be a part of the flock. It supports the children and encourages them to get involved with the actions)
First of all, let’s practice bleating like sheep (bah bah…) Good. Now I want you to walk around and pretend that you are lost and hungry. (I think they will get the idea and it should be fun). Well done. You really look like a flock of lost sheep. What you need is a shepherd to protect you, and to lead you into good pasture. (You could demonstrate this by acting as a shepherd by pulling the children (sheep) together and then leading them over to a place where they can sit down and rest.) Thank you for being such good sheep. Jesus said without him we are just like sheep without a shepherd. Without Jesus we are lost, hungry and don’t where to go. I’m so grateful that Jesus is like a good shepherd.
Pray: Dear God, on our own we are all like sheep without a shepherd. God, thank you that Jesus is a good shepherd who loves us and longs to guide us in his ways. Help us to follow him as he leads us into the wonderful life you have for us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Copyright Andrew Hewlett and Feel free to use this on Sunday Morning but please give credit to and consider linking to this site. Thank you! A.H.