Build one another up
Kids talk / Sunday school lesson on using words to build up and not tear down.

Lectionary reading from Ephesians 4:25-5:2 (Instead of the Gospel of John) -- Trinity 9
Kids talk idea: Show how words can build people up or tear them down. Have someone stand in front of the children who can physically respond to words of discouragement or words of encouragement.
Full Children’s talk: Good morning children! Did you know that the words that we say to people are very powerful? In the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Ephesian Christians he told them that we need to make sure we use our words for building people up and not for tearing them down. I’ll show you how that works. Betty is going to help us see just how our words can build up or tear down. (Prior to your talk make sure your volunteer cringes, wilts, and gets smaller every time something nasty is said. Make sure they know to stand up tall when they are encouraged). Children, watch how my words will affect Betty.
Hello Betty it’s good to see you! (Betty will intuitively stand up tall).
I really wanted to get Carol to help me but she is away so I guess you’ll do. (Betty will wilt a bit a bit).
By the way. Why are you wearing blue today? Everybody else is wearing yellow (Betty crumples a bit more).
Another thing Betty; you look a little bent over. Maybe you need to get some more exercise. (You get the idea. Betty should be almost knelling sadly on the floor)
Look what has happened Children. I don’t think I was very kind to Betty. My words did not build her up. In fact, my words discouraged her and tore her down. How do you think we can build her up? Say some thing to her that might encourage her and build her up. (Let the children make encouraging comments and watch Betty slowly get built back up until she is standing nice and tall) That was wonderful children. You were very good at using your words to build her up. Let’s have the congregation give you a cheer for being so good at building her up. Also, thank you Betty for helping out.
Betty did exaggerate a little to help with my story but all of us know how important it is to be built up and encouraged by others.
Pray: God, thank you that our words have a wonderful power. Through your Holy Spirit help us to always use our words to encourage, and build others up. We ask this in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen!
Copyright 2009 Andrew Hewlett Feel free to use this story on Sunday morning but please give credit to and consider making a link to this page. Thank you. A.H.
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