“Let the children come unto me” A skit for the Children’s
Sermon or Sunday school class

Children’s Sunday school lesson on Humility: This children sermon is a bit more complicated than usual – but I do think it is effective. I did this lesson right in the church sanctuary as an interactive children’s sermon. It takes some set up so it would also lend itself well for a group Sunday school lesson (As a alternate simply use the "Kingdom fort" as an object lesson and demonstrate how we have to humble ourselves to enter.)
Basic idea: Make a “Kingdom fort” out a card table and blanket. Arrange to have a big, rich “important” person ask to enter the fort. Explain that they have to humble themselves and get down on their knees to get inside. When they explain that this is beneath their dignity invite the children to easily come through the small entrance. Discuss Mark 10:15 “anyone who does not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”
Props: Card table, blanket, (option: use a big piece of cardboard to make a small entrance)
Dark sunglasses, cigar and hat for the “proud” person. (They will need a quick private briefing before the story starts.
Full Story: Good Morning children. I’d like you to come over here this morning. This morning I have a special fort here. I call it the “Kingdom Fort.” Who wants to come inside? (Have your big important person come up from the congregation and interrupt you.) ”Excuse me; my name is Blade Steele – the millionaire movies star. I think it is only appropriate that I go first before these children./ Hmm. Nice to meet you. However, not just anyone can come into this Kingdom fort, you see…/ But you don’t understand who I am, I’m Blade Steele the rich…/ But Mr. Steele the only way you can get inside is if you get down on your knees and crawl…/ Well, I could never do such a thing, however perhaps this money might make things easier (flash some bills)…/ No, I’m sorry Mr. Steele… but you can certainly try.
(Pull back the blanket revealing a very small entrance. Mr. Steele tries unsuccessfully to get in.)
Hmmm. That’s too bad it doesn’t look like you can get in without kneeling down. Please stand back Mr. Steele. I think some of these children would like to come in. (Show the entrance to the young children. They easily enter the Kingdom fort.) Hey! All the children made it. Let’s give them a cheer. I’m glad you like the fort. You were all small enough to enter. I’d like you to come back out here for a moment because I have something important to say to you. Listen to this passage in the Bible. (Read Mark 10:13-16) The disciples didn’t think Jesus wanted to be with the young children but Jesus said they were wrong. He reached out and held the children and said that unless we were like a little child we could not enter the Kingdom of God. That is what our little play was about. Mr. Steele thought that he could get into the Kingdom fort because he was so important and had so much money. But he was so full of selfish pride that he wasn’t willing to get on his knees and make himself small. Jesus said we could only enter his Kingdom if we were willing to humble ourselves like little children.
Children’s Prayer: Thank you God that you love us so much. Thank you that even though we might be very young and small you still welcome us into your family. May we always be willing to humble ourselves and make ourselves small to enter your Kingdom. In Jesus’ name – Amen!