Short Children's Sermon on Blind Bartimaeus - passionately seeking Jesus
Passionately seeking Jesus 
Children’s sermon idea:
This Children’s sermon on Blind Bartimaeus emphasizes the importance of passionately calling out to Jesus. Bartimaeus was not content to let Jesus pass by. We should never approach Jesus with a “ho-hum, take it our leave it” attitude. Rather we should passionately seek after Jesus.
Object Lesson Props: Glass of water, 3 people (2 minute prep required) You could also do this spontaneously with members of the congregation. They will automatically get the feel of what is going on. In fact they will try to “out-plead” one another which should be fun
Children’s Sermon
Good morning children. This morning I want to tell you about a blind man named Bartimaeus. His name means “Son of Timaeus” and he used to beg for money outside the city of Jericho. His story is recorded in chapter 10 of Mark’s gospel. (Read out the passage to the children – it is fairly short.) This is a wonderful story about how Jesus had the power to heal even someone who was blind. However, what I really like about this story is how this blind man Bartimaeus was so determined to get Jesus’ attention.
(Have three individuals who have been prepped come forward. Ask the children to watch closely.) Now children, I found out that these three people from our congregation are thirsty for some water. I’m sure they would love to have this nice cold cup of water that I have in my hand. Let start with you (1) Mr. Jones. Would you like some of this water? (Mr. Jones looks down at the ground and says in a barely audible voice, “I guess so...if you have some…that would be nice.” (He is very shy, tentative and speaks very softly.) Hmmm. O.K. Let also hear from (2)Mr. Smith. Would you like some of this water? (Mr. Smith is very ambivalent, “Well I think it would be good but I’m not really sure. I also have some other juice at home…maybe I can wait. I guess I could have some now or maybe have some later etc.”) Hmmm. O.K. Let also hear from Mr. Green. Hello (3)Mr. Green would you like some of this water?
(Mr. Green is passionate and enthusiastic.) “Oh please, please. I am so thirsty. I desperately need that water. I won’t make it home without it. It’s so important that I have some of this cool water…”
Well children. Who do you think I should give this water to? (Let the children make a decision. They will no doubt pick Mr. Green. Discuss with the children why Mr. Green should get the water.)
I agree with you children. Let’s give the water to Mr. Green. (Hand him the glass of water) I’ll give it to him because it seemed like he really needed it while the other two people didn’t really care. Mr. Green reminds me of the blind man Bartimaeus in our bible story today. When Bartimaeus heard that Jesus was coming he believed could help him and he kept calling out loudly. Even when others were telling him to be quite he kept on calling out to Jesus. When Jesus heart him calling out he came over and healed him so that he could see.
We don’t know exactly why Jesus healed some people and passed others by. But I do think it is important for us to boldly call out to Jesus when we are in need – even if other people are telling us to not bother. If we are deeply concerned about something we don’t want to be like these other two men over here who were saying “oh well…maybe I’d like some water…whatever.” We want to be like Mr. Green who boldly asked me to meet his need. Jesus wants us to be true seekers and not casual enquirers.
Children’s Prayer: (Pray boldly and passionately) Lord God. Please give us boldness and courage to seek after you. We know that you love us and that you have good things for us. Help us never to miss out on your wonderful life because we don’t care. Through the power of your Holy Spirit help us to do great things for you and your Kingdom. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Copyright Andrew Hewlett Feel free to use this story at your Sunday service but please give credit to and consider linking to this site. Blessings, A.H.
Copyright Andrew Hewlett Feel free to use this story at your Sunday service but please give credit to and consider linking to this site. Blessings, A.H.