Children’s Sermon / Sunday school lesson idea for Christmas Eve.


Children’s Sermon idea: Show a beautifully wrapped gift to the children. Discuss the wonders the outward appearance. Unwrap the present and place the plain looking box to the side. Let each child handle the beautiful reflective wrapping paper, the bow, the ribbon and the name tag. Consider displaying the “wrappings” in a place where all can enjoy. Discuss with the children that we can get fascinated by the wrapping and other adornments and forget the main gift. Explain how this can happen with Jesus. We can become so fascinated by things to do with the season that we forget Jesus who is the main gift. 
(Alternate idea/ addition: If you have a baby in the congregation you could give the gift to the child and watch them play with the bow, the box and the ribbon while not understanding that the main gift is inside.)
Object Lesson items: A small gift in a plain box wrapped in beautiful paper and other adornments.
Full Children’s Sermon / Object lesson:
Good morning children. Are you all pretty excited about Christmas? Look what I brought along this evening. It’s a beautiful little gift. (Let the children hold it or pass it along) I bet baby Timothy here would like a gift like this. (Hand the gift to the very young child.) Hmmm. It looks like they are trying to eat the wrapping. That’s not quite right. It is very beautiful though. Look at this bow. (Remove it and pass it along.) And look at this paper. (Remove it and pass it along placing the plain box off to the side) Hold it right up to your eyes. It looks very cool. Look at this ribbon. Do you see that wonderful pattern on the top side? And look at the name tag. It has my name written on it. Look at the little Angel picture on the back side. This is some of the most beautiful wrapping I’ve ever seen. I’m going to place it over here where everyone can see it and enjoy it. Good that looks very nice. Now everyone can enjoy seeing it. Great. I guess I should lead us in our usual prayer before sitting back down in the congregation.  Uh oh. Something is missing here. Where is the box that was inside all this nice wrapping? I almost forgot. Look what is inside this plain box. It’s a beautiful and valuable (Diamond, gem, etc. – let the children see it)
TRANSITION: I was so interested in looking at the outward wrapping that I almost forgot the gift that was inside. The wrapping is only the outward covering. The important thing is the gift inside.
This reminds me about the Christmas season. There are many wonderful things about Christmas. There are the Christmas trees; there are Christmas lights, wonderful carols, gifts, etc. However, what is most important about Christmas is Jesus; the greatest gift of all. If you received a gift it would be sad if you only enjoyed the paper, the bow and the ribbon and forgot the present inside. At Christmas it would be even worse if you enjoyed the hymns, the lights and the songs and forgot about Jesus! This Christmas let’s remember that Jesus is the greatest gift of all. He was born in a manger many years ago and he is alive today. Although we can’t see him right now we know he is the greatest King of all and that he loves us and leads us into the wonderful life of God. We don’t want to forget that.
Children’s Prayer: Dear God, thank you for all the wonderful things about Christmas. Help us to enjoy this season but help us always to remember that Jesus is the most important thing about Christmas.
We pray that many others would come to know his love and his life. In Jesus’ name – Amen!

Copyright Andrew Hewlett   Feel free to use this kids sermon on Sunday morning but please give credit to and please do consider making a link to this site. Blessings, A.H.
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