-Seek first the Kingdom of God -   
Matt. 6: 25-34 also Worry, Ministry, self seeking, seek ye first the Kingdom of God   -

(For use as a Children's Sermon or as an introduction to a creative Sunday School lesson)

Props: None (Spontaneous drama this morning)
Time: 5 Minutes
Basic Children's sermon Idea: Set up a “static” dramatic contrast to show the kids what it means to “seek first the kingdom” and not to worry too much about food and clothing etc.
Full Children's Story   Good morning children. This morning in our Bible reading Jesus says that we shouldn’t spend too much time worrying about food and clothing. We should focus most of our attention on doing the work of Kingdom of God. This morning I’ll show you the difference. Now, I need some people over on this side of the children. Betty, John and Karen. Would you come forward here and show us some of the kingdom ministry that God wants us to do. John, you sit in this chair with your hands over your face as if you are very sad and discouraged. Betty, would you knell down beside him with your hand on his shoulder like you are trying comfort him. Karen, why don’t you stand here ….(-do some ministry task: bandage a wound, read the bible, share some food, etc.) Now I want you to just stay there holding that position. Now, I need some more volunteers to help me over on this side. (Ask a few members of the congregation to come forward to the other side of the children.) Bill, Frank, George and Tom, please come forward and stand right here. Now I want you to be very worried about your clothes this morning. Bill, look at Frank’s nice sweater. I want you to be look very worried that his sweater is nicer than yours. George, I want you to look very worried about the color of your hair. Hold your hands like this pretending to look into a mirror. Don’t forget to look very worried! (Keep assigning tasks.) Keep looking at each other up and down and worry about your clothing. (I had to keep reminding the congregation that this was serious and not to laugh too much. However, a little snickering simply adds to the obvious ridiculousness of the picture.)
(Speak to the children) Now kids, I want you to look at these two pictures. I want you to point to the group that is doing God’s Kingdom work. That’s right! This is the work of the Kingdom of God. Jesus, who is our King, would certainly want us to be spending our time doing this sort of thing. But look at this group over here. Look at how worried they are. They are spending all their time worried about what they are wearing and what other people are thinking about them. Of course we want to look nice, and have nice clothes. That’s fine. But some people spend so much time worrying about clothes and the latest fashions (point actors on the left) that they never get around to doing God’s Kingdom work! (Point to your other group). Listen to what Jesus said…(read Matt 6:25-34) He said for us to seek first the Kingdom of God. Let’s take Jesus seriously and always live our lives putting the Kingdom first and worries about what style of clothes we wear second.

 (before praying you could get the “worriers” to come over and join the group doing the work of the Kingdom of God.) “Lord. Thank you that you have provided for our needs. Most of us here have a place to live, nice clothes and good food. Help us not to worry too much about these things, but rather to seek first your kingdom. In Jesus name, Amen”

(Option: Get the kids to do the acting)

Copyright Andrew Hewlett  2009 sundaychildrensfocus.com
   Feel free to use this story at your Sunday morning service but please give credit to sundaychildrensfocus.com  and consider linking to this site. Thank you! Blessings, A.H.    PS - Please click the facebook "like" button.