Sunday Lesson – Children’s sermon: Take up your Cross
Show the children a small cross. Show them a full size cross and remind them of how hard it would be to carry a real life size cross. Taking up our cross and following Jesus is sometimes hard and sometimes it hurts. Mark 8: 27-38 Trinity 14
Object lesson props: small ornamental cross or necklace, large cross (made out of old 2x4s, 4x4s, or even better 6x6s!)

Children’s sermon: Good Morning Children. This morning one of our bible readings is from Mark chapter 7 where Jesus told his disciples to “take up their cross” and “follow him (Jesus).” (Consider reading the text out loud.) Hmmm. I wonder what he meant?
Look at this cross I have here in my hand. This would be pretty easy to “take up and carry.” Hold this cross in your hands. Do you agree that this cross would be easy to carry around? If this is the type of cross that Jesus was taking about when he said “take up your cross and follow me,” then following Jesus would be pretty easy. But of course this is just a small cross. The cross that Jesus suffered and died on was a very big cross.
(Carry out the life size cross) Look at the size of this cross. Even this one was not as big as the real cross that Jesus had to carry before he died. Feel how heavy it is. (Let some of the children pick it up.) Do you think this cross would be harder to carry around than this little one? When Jesus said we needed to “take up our cross and follow him” he was trying to tell us that following him would sometimes be hard and would sometimes hurt.
These small crosses are to remind us of the big cross that Jesus had to carry and also remind us of how he suffered and laid down his life for us in love. Crosses also remind us that when we follow Jesus it will sometimes hurt – it may even sometime feel like we are dying! So, when you think of the cross, think of the big heavy cross that Jesus had to carry. Think of his love. And remember that following him is not always easy and is even sometimes painful. (Idea: If you had time you could discuss some examples of how following Jesus is sometime inconvenient and sometimes painful.)
Pray: Thank you God that Jesus loved us so much he was willing to take up his cross and suffer for us. Help us to be willing to “take up our own cross” and suffer for Jesus. Thank you God for your great love and for your Holy Spirit who will give us strength and joy even when following you is hard to do. – In Jesus’ name, Amen!
(Consider getting the children to leave the room, helping one another carry the large cross)
Copyright 2009 Andrew Hewlett Feel free to use this story on Sunday morning but please give credit to sundaychildrensfocus and consider linking to this site. Thank you. A.H.
Copyright 2009 Andrew Hewlett Feel free to use this story on Sunday morning but please give credit to sundaychildrensfocus and consider linking to this site. Thank you. A.H.