
  • Children's sermon - Healed on the Sabbath Day

    Short Fun Chidrens sermon - A Crippled Woman is healed on the Sabbath  Luke 13:10-17 

    Children’s Sermon/ Sunday school lesson idea: Bring in a wall calendar and discuss with the children the various chores you do on each day of the week. Include a day of rest. Explain that even though you like to keep to your schedule, any day (even the Sabbath) would be a good day for helping someone who was really in need. Tell the children how Jesus upset some people because he healed a crippled woman on the day of rest.
    Object lesson items: A wall calendar or day timer.
    Full Kids Sermon:
    Good morning Children. Do you know what I have here this morning? Yes. It’s a calendar. See, it has the days of the week written across the top here. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday…Each day of the week has a little square. You might be able to see some of my writing inside some of these little boxes. On the various days of the week I’ve written in the special chores that I need to do for that day. On Monday, I’ve written in the words, “do the laundry today.” On Tuesday it says “take the dog for a walk.” (Continue to discuss the various days of the week.) Now this day here is Sunday – that’s today! It says “Go to church” and it also say “Rest and relax today.”
    You might think that there should be a special day for helping people in need. What days of the week should be set aside for helping a person in need or in trouble? (Interact with the children.) Hmmm. The problem with setting aside special days for helping someone in trouble is that we don’t know when that might happen. What if someone needed to be taken to the hospital and we said, “Sorry, this is not my helping day?” That wouldn’t be very kind. Even if someone needed help on my day of rest I think it would be good to help the person.
    In our bible reading today from the gospel of Luke there is a story about how Jesus healed a crippled woman on a special day of rest called the Sabbath. Some people were upset at Jesus doing this on the day of rest. But Jesus knew that everyday was a good day for helping people in trouble. Like us, Jesus needed to take time to rest, but he was always ready to help people in need or trouble.
    Children’s Prayer: Dear God, help us to be ready to support people in trouble no matter what day of the week it is. Thank you that you are always there for us. In Jesus name – Amen!

    Copyright - 2010 - Andrew Hewlett   Feel free to use this on Sunday morning but please give credit to sundaychildrensfocus and consider linking your web page to this site. Thank you!  A.H.
  • Children's sermon on Jairus' daughter

    Children's Sermon on Jairus' Daughter (Mark 5: 21-43)

    Theme: Jesus can even wake up the dead   (Quick interactive drama involving the kids)

    Text: Mark 5:21-43 Jairus’ daughter (Trinity 2)
    Props: none    Jairus daughter sleeping 1
    Basic idea: Start by having the children show how they wake up in the morning and tell them this is a “wake up” story. Have the children dramatize the various emotions mentioned as you read through the text (concern, grief, laughter, amazement, joy)
    (Note: You could have the children pretend that they are Jairus daughter. However, my wife told me she felt parents might be uneasy about then acting out that they had died!)
    For this to be most effective it needs to be fairly fast paced with lots of energy and emotion.
    Full Story: Good morning children. Do you find it easy to wake up in the morning? How do you parents wake you up? Do you yawn or stretch? Show me. Close you eyes like you are asleep. Now show me what you do. “Time to wake up. It’s morning time.” (Let the children show you how they get up.) Well today our Bible reading is story about Jesus waking a child up. But what is amazing about this “wake up story” is that Jesus woke her up after she died! We can wake up people when they are asleep but Jesus proved that he could wake up people even when they are dead. That is truly amazing.
    I’m going to tell you the story and I would like you to act out how the people were feeling. This story is found in Chapter 5 of Mark’s Gospel
    (Read through the Bible text or create your own paraphrase: Stop and gesture to the children at the appropriate times. They’ll pick up the idea quickly.)
    (vs 22) A man named Jairus fell at Jesus’ feet and pleaded with him, “My daughter is dying please come and put you hands on her so that she will be healed and live.”
        ---What do you think Jairus felt like? Show me how might feel. Yes, he was very worried. (Look worried, bit your nails, put your hands on your forehead, etc
    (vs 24)Jesus started to go to Jairus’ house to see his daughter but it was taking a long time because he stopped to talk to another person who needed healing. How do you think Jairus was feeling then? Yes. He was very anxious.
    (vs 35)Then all of a sudden some people came from Jairus’ home and said. Your daughter has died. Don’t bother bringing Jesus. (Throw you hands up in the air)
    (vs 36)Jesus kept on going and when he came to the house where the girl was he saw all the people crying (
    When he came to the girl he said that she was only sleeping. Since the people knew she had died they laughed at Jesus (
    (vs 41) Then Jesus took her by the hand and said “Little girl, I say to you get up!”
    (vs42)   Immediately the girl stood up and walked around. The people were astonished!
    (vs 38) Now one more thing. It doesn’t say this in the bible story but what do you think Jairus, the girls father, was feeling? Yes. I think he was celebrating!(jump for joy)
    That was great acting children. It was almost like being there! Isn’t that wonderful. Even though the girl died and it seemed too late, it wasn’t too late for Jesus. He was able to wake people up even when they were dead. That’s how wonderful Jesus is.
    Pray:Thank you God for this wonderful miracle of Jesus bringing this girl back to life.
    Thank you for his amazing love and his amazing power. Help us, through your Holy Spirit to follow him and know him more and more each day - In Jesus’ name, Amen!
    (Copyright Andrew Hewlett 2009 Feel free to use this story at your Sunday morning service but please give credit to and consider linking to this web site. Thank you! A.H.  PS - Please "Like" this on your social media site. 


  • Jesus feeds the five thousand

    Children sermon on the feeding of the five thousand (5000)

    Loaves and fishes – John 6:1-21    fish
    Interactive Drama for Church or Sunday School
    Props: 2 small baskets, lots of paper cut outs of loaves and fish
    Basic idea:  Using a basket and paper cut outs, show how Jesus miraculously multiplied the loaves and fish. Let the children hold the multiplied “loaves and fish” and get them to help you count them all.
    Full Story:
    (Cut out a large number of “loaves” and “fish” out of paper and place them in a basket. Take another basket and place the initial "5 loaves and 2 fish" into that basket)
    Good morning children. I want to tell you about how Jesus did a wonderful miracle by feeding 5 thousand hungry people. You can read about this in chapter six of John’s gospel. A large crowd had been following Jesus. The people were so excited about what he had to say that they forgot about eating! It was getting late and they were starting to get hungry. A young child was willing to offer his five loaves of bread and two fish but of course that wasn’t enough for everybody. (Hold up the first basket) To show you what Jesus did I made up some fish and bread out of paper. (Pull out the 5 loaves and 2 fish so that they can see.) Of course this wasn’t nearly enough to feed everybody but Jesus asked them to sit down on the grass. Then he took that small amount of food the the child provided, (Take the 5 loaves and 2 fish and put them in the second basket. Hold the basket up high), Gave thanks to God and then distributed the food. This is when things got pretty exciting. I’ll show you what happened. Please hold your hands out in front of you so I can distribute the food. I would also like you to count out loud each time I give out a fish or a piece of bread. "One, Two, Three, Four..."(Get some other adults in the first row to help count if you think the children will be too shy. Start distributing the “multiplied” fish and bread into the children’s hands helping them count as you go. Go quickly and make sure every child gets a good handful of fish and bread. I'd keep going until you are up at around 50 or so. For special effect you could ask them to hold out their hands for you to up-end the basket and dump the rest of the "food" out.) Wow! You all have lots of fish and bread. That’s what happened with Jesus. My story uses fish and bread made out of paper, but Jesus did a miracle with real bread and real fish. As Jesus and the disciples distributed the food it just kept coming, and coming and coming until the whole crowd of people had more than enough food to eat. In fact, there was so much that there were twelve baskets of food left over. This showed the people that Jesus had God’s power. It also showed the people that Jesus could provide for their every need. It also showed how important it was for that one small child to offer to Jesus what little he had.
    Pray: Thank you God for this miracle that Jesus did. He truly is more wonderful than we can imagine. He really is a wonderful Saviour. Thank you that he provided food for the people and that he loves us and can provide for our needs as well.
    Copyright 2009 Andrew Hewlett and   Feel free to use this story on Sunday morning but please give credit to and consider linking to this page. A.H.



  • Kids Sermon - Faith like a Mustard Seed


    Children's bible talk - Mustard Seed Faith -

    You can do wonderful things even with a small amount of faith in God.   ((Please note: For the Mark 4: 26-34 text the emphasis is on the amazing Kingdom of God that starts from very small humble beginnings. As a visual aid you could show a very small seed and then show a large bush or plant that comes from the small seed. Then perhaps explain how the wordwide family of God started from the simple preaching of God's Word or message. ))
    Lectionary – Luke 17: 5-10 A tiny mustard seed is held between the index finger and the thumb. A perfect illustration of Jesus' teaching in the Bible.
    Idea for the Children’s Sermon / Sunday school lesson introduction: Here’s my angle on this text: Even little children with “small sized” faith in God can still do big and wonderful things. To illustrate this have a big and strong person go over to your church lighting switch and show how they can turn all the big lights on and off. Then bring a very young child over and show how they can do the same thing. Even “little sized” strength can turn the big lights on and off. It is the same with our faith / trust in God. Even if we are a young child with “little sized faith” God hears our small prayers and will help us to do great things for Him.
    Object Lesson props:  Some small seed to be “mustard seed.” Light switches that turn on and off your church lighting system. (Alternatively, any switch where a small action with have a big effect: Hitting a note on the piano, speaking into a microphone, etc.) -- Another alternative would be to use a small (mustard seed size) door key and demonstrate how it can unlock doors.
    Full Children’s Talk / Sermon: Good morning children! (Hold up your “mustard seed.”) Do you see this? You’ll have to look very hard. It’s mustard seed. In our bible reading from Luke 17:5-10 Jesus told his disciples that even if they had faith in God the size of this little mustard seed they would be able to do big and wonderful things with God’s help. I’ll try to show you how this might work. I want you all to follow me over to this spot in the wall where we have the light switches to our church. Did you know that these little switches / buttons can turn on and off all those big lights up there? I’ll get someone to help me out. There are a lot of big lights up there so I’d better get someone big and strong. Mr. Jones, you are very big and strong so I would like you to come and help me turn these big lights on. (Just for fun you could suggest he do some isometrics to pump up his muscles for the big job of turning on the lights. Then have Mr. Jones demonstrate how he can turn the lights on and off.) That’s pretty amazing that you can do that! However, I want to show you something that is even more amazing. I need someone who is very small to help me out. Yes, thank you Judith. Now, I’m going to hold you up in the air and I want you to see if you can turn these big lights on and off. You did it! That’s great. That’s pretty amazing. Even though you are very young and not strong like Mr. Jones, you can still turn all these big lights on and off. Let’s give Judith a cheer. Let’s go back to the front of the church. What Judith just did reminds me of what Jesus taught about faith and prayer. Jesus said that even if our faith was a very “small child faith” like this mustard seed (hold it up) we could still do big and wonderful things. God wants to do big and wonderful things through “little faith” people like you and me. We don’t have to wait until we have a big strong faith.
    Children’s Prayer: Dear God. We know that you have all the power in the world and in the universe.
    Thank you that even though we are small people, you hear our prayers, and together we can do amazing things. In Jesus’ name – Amen!
    Copyright 2010   Andrew Hewlett   Feel free to use this on Sunday morning by please give credit to Sundaychildrensfocus and consider bookmarking and / or linking your web page to this site. Blessings, A.H.
  • Kids sermon on Jairus' Daughter

    Children's Sermon on Jairus' Daughter (Mark 5: 21-43)

    Theme: Jesus can even wake up the dead

    Text: Mark 5:21-43 Jairus’ daughter (Trinity 2)

    Props: none   Jairus daughter sleeping


    Basic kids sermon idea: Start by having the children show how they wake up in the morning and tell them this is a “wake up” story. Have the children dramatize the various emotions mentioned as you read through the text (concern, grief, laughter, amazement, joy)
    (Note: You could have the children pretend that they are Jairus daughter. However, my wife told me she felt parents might be uneasy about then acting out that they had died!)
    For this to be most effective it needs to be fairly fast paced with lots of energy and emotion.


    Full Childrens Story: Good morning children. Do you find it easy to wake up in the morning? How do you parents wake you up? Do you yawn or stretch? Show me. Close you eyes like you are asleep. Now show me what you do. “Time to wake up. It’s morning time.” (Let the children show you how they get up.) Well today our Bible reading is story about Jesus waking a child up. But what is amazing about this “wake up story” is that Jesus woke her up after she died! We can wake up people when they are asleep but Jesus proved that he could wake up people even when they are dead. That is truly amazing.

    I’m going to tell you the story and I would like you to act out how the people were feeling. This story is found in Chapter 5 of Mark’s Gospel

    (Read through the Bible text or create your own paraphrase: Stop and gesture to the children at the appropriate times. They’ll pick up the idea quickly.)

    (vs 22) A man named Jairus fell at Jesus’ feet and pleaded with him, “My daughter is dying please come and put you hands on her so that she will be healed and live.”
    ---What do you think Jairus felt like? Show me how might feel. Yes, he was very worried. (Look worried, bit your nails, put your hands on your forehead, etc

    (vs 24)Jesus started to go to Jairus’ house to see his daughter but it was taking a long time because he stopped to talk to another person who needed healing. How do you think Jairus was feeling then? Yes. He was very anxious.

    (vs 35)Then all of a sudden some people came from Jairus’ home and said. Your daughter has died. Don’t bother bringing Jesus. (Throw your hands up in the air)

    (vs 36)Jesus kept on going and when he came to the house where the girl was he saw all the people crying ( Children pretent to weep)

    When he came to the girl he said that she was only sleeping. Since the people knew she had died they laughed at Jesus (Children laugh)

    (vs 41) Then Jesus took her by the hand and said “Little girl, I say to you get up!”
    (vs42) Immediately the girl stood up and walked around. The people were astonished! (show ashtonishment)

    (vs 38) Now one more thing. It doesn’t say this in the bible story but what do you think Jairus, the girls father, was feeling? Yes. I think he was celebrating! (jump for joy)

    That was great acting children. It was almost like being there! Isn’t that wonderful. Even though the girl died and it seemed too late, it wasn’t too late for Jesus. He was able to wake people up even when they were dead. That’s how wonderful Jesus is.

    Pray: Thank you God for this wonderful miracle of Jesus bringing this girl back to life.
    Thank you for his amazing love and his amazing power. Help us, through your Holy Spirit to follow him and know him more and more each day - In Jesus’ name, Amen!

    (Copyright Andrew Hewlett 2009 Feel free to use this story at your Sunday morning service but please give credit to and consider linking to this web site. Thank you! A.H.




  • Kids sermon on Jesus calming the storm

    Jesus can calm the wind and the waves

    Kids Sermon: Jesus Calms the Storm -- (He can also calm the storms of life)

    Mark  4:35- 41     Even the Wind and Waves obey him:     "Peace,  be still "

    Children’s sermon idea: Sunday School or Children's Church:  Demonstrate how Jesus was able to calm the storm. Get the congregation to violently wave their hands, making the sound of wind. Ask the children to imagine being in a boat at sea. In a loud voice call out “PEACE – BE STILL” showing how Jesus had power over the wind and the waves.
    Object lesson props: None   Jesus calms the storm
    Full Kids Sermon: Good morning children! In our bible reading today the disciples learned that Jesus had power over the wind and the waves. The disciples were out on the sea when a huge storm came up. There were terrified when they saw the big waves and heard the sound of the wind. Then they woke up Jesus. He told the wind and the waves to calm down and right away, the storm stopped. They were amazed at his power – the power of God!
    Let’s act this out to see what it was like. You can pretend you are the disciples sitting in the boat. The people out there in the congregation will be the wind and the waves. Let’s practice a bit. Members of the congregation, please make the sound of a violent wind. That’s great. Now let’s add some waves to that. We will do it again but wave your hands in the air like waves in a storm. Wow, that looks like a scary storm. Now kids, when you see the wind and the waves pretend to be very scared. I will pretend to be Jesus commanding the storm to be still. OK, we are about to start. Kids, pretend you are rowing a boat on the Sea of Galilee. Great! Now let’s have the storm start. Good. Louder still. Bigger waves. (Egg them on a bit). When the disciples saw the waves they were terrified. (Gesture to the children to look terrified.) Now just when the disciples thought they might drown they woke up Jesus. He stood up and said, “Peace, be still!” (The congregation will understand they are to stop.) As soon as Jesus said those words, the storm stopped and the disciples were relieved (whew!) They were so amazed that Jesus could command the wind and the waves. They were learning the Jesus was no ordinary person; he had the power of God!
    Children’s prayer: Dear God, it’s wonderful that Jesus had all the power in the world. Help us to trust Jesus and follow him so we can know his amazing power and his amazing love. In Jesus’ name – Amen!
    Copyright 2012   Andrew Hewlett Feel free to use this story on Sunday but please give credit to SundayChildrensFocus and consider linking to this site. Thank you – A.H.
  • Kids sermon on Jesus' authority

    Short Fun Children's sermon - The Authority of Jesus questioned

    Children’s Sermon idea:
    After welcoming the children / youth arrange to be interrupted by “Jesus.” (Someone who might look like Jesus and wear a long robe. In order to make it clear they could wear a sign, “JESUS.”) After Jesus asks to speak to the children explain that this is YOUR time for teaching and that he will have to find something else to do. Have fun with the interaction. Then debrief with the children and explain how crazy it would be to tell Jesus that he is not allowed to teach. It’s His Church and he is God the Son! Give a short explanation of the Matt 21:23-28 and remind that children that he is the most important person in the church and in our lives.
    Object lesson items / props: This involves some dramatic preparation. Pick someone to be Jesus. They could wear a bathrobe with a sign that says “Jesus.”
    Full (Free!) Kids Sermon:
    Good morning children! This morning I would like to talk to you about our bible reading from Matthew chapter 21…(Make this the cue for JESUS to come up front and interrupt you by asking to speak to the children. ) “Excuse me, I’m Jesus and I would like to speak to the children this morning.” (Look startled and perplexed.) Wow. It’s great to have you hear Jesus but it is actually my job to speak to the children on Sunday mornings. “But I have something important to say to the children…” Well, you need to understand that I was hired to be the pastor (or youth group teacher) of this church so I don’t think you should be doing my job. “But I just want to tell my children about my love…” Hey! I think you should go now before you put me out of a job…(User Jesus off to the side.)
    (Let’s give Mr____ a big hand for helping me out with this little drama.)
    Children, that was just a fun little drama to remind us of how foolish it would be to tell Jesus that he couldn’t speak in our church. Of course we would want Jesus to speak to us. This is His church, He is our Saviour and we would always want to let him speak to us. Since He is the “Boss” it would be terrible if I didn’t let him speak in His church. However, that is what seemed to happen in our bible lesson today for Matthew chapter 21. The religious leaders got angry that Jesus was teaching the people. They said it was their job and not his. But we know that Jesus had been put in charge by God the Father. However, even though Jesus the most important person of all the leaders didn’t like him teaching the people.
    Our little drama and the reading from the Bible should remind us that Jesus is the most important person the whole world. He is our boss or leader and the most important teacher of all. We should always read our Bible and learn more about Jesus the wonderful teacher. The good news is that he is still alive and guides us, leads us, and teaches us through the Holy Spirit.

    Children’s Prayer: Thank you God for sending Jesus. Help us to learn from Him and follow him each day of our life. In Jesus’ name – Amen.

    Copyright  2011 Andrew Hewlett   Feel free to use this on Sunday morning but please give credit to Sundaychildrensfocus  

  • Lectionary Lesson: Jesus sends us out

    Children's Story on Jesus sending out the disciples

    Theme: Jesus sends out his disciples          

    Text: Mark 6:1-13      Lectionary: Trinity 4   disciples sent out
    Props: None (This is in keeping with the idea that the disciples were instructed to take nothing for the journey.)
    Basic idea: A Simple interactive drama on how Jesus sent his disciples out and that he sends us (his disciples today) out into the world.
    Full Story: Good Morning Children. I want to read to you a bible passage from the 6th chapter of Mark’s gospel. It’s about Jesus sending out his disciples. (Read the text – paraphrase if necessary) Jesus knew there were many people in the world that were hurting and in need so he called his followers who were learning about him (his disciples) and sent them out to bring healing. He also sent them out with the important message about turning away from sin (what we do wrong) and turning to God. Since we are also disciples of Jesus lets pretend that we are being sent out by him this morning. First of all the bible says that Jesus called the disciple to himself. He knew they needed to spend time with him first before going out into the world. They needed to know his love and his power. So come in close together. (Get the children to huddle in close) Then Jesus sent them out two by two to preach repentance (turning away from what is wrong and turning to God), teach, to heal and to overcome the power of evil.
    Explain that on this journey Jesus told them not to take extra things with them. Explain that we need to remember that sometimes people don’t need “things” to help them; they just need a message (repentance and the good news of Jesus) and prayer (for healing and restoration). Those two things are very powerful. God used the disciples when they didn’t have any “things” to give. God will use us to bring life and healing to others even when we don’t have things to give. The message of repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, and our powerful prayers are of central importance in the world.
    1. Small congregation: Quickly, tell the congregation that you are dividing them into two groups. Ask all the people who were born on an even numbered year to remain seated, leaning forward with their heads in their hands (these are the people needing healing). Tell the rest of the congregation to stand up and turn around facing the opposite direction. (These are the people needing to repent and turn to God).
    2. Larger congregation: (Use the same idea but use only a limited number of church rows)
    (Explain that the disciples will be sent out two by two and will be asked to quickly go out into the “world” to touch (in Jesus’ name) the people needing healing and that after receive this “healing touch” to stand up - representing their healing. The people needing repentance (have their backs turned) can turn around when the young disciples look at them and say “repent and turn to God.”
    Set up the children in groups of twos and make sure they know what to do. Send the children out with the message of repentance and the power to heal.”
    Chaos should ensue (it makes it fun) until all the people are standing facing forward. Check to make sure no one has been missed. Ask the children to gather again. Explain that this was a fun drama but that God really does send us into the world as his disciples. God wants us to share the good news of “repentance and faith” in Jesus Christ and also to pray for those in need.)
    Pray: God, thank you for sending the disciples into the world to preach and to heal. Thank you that we are your disciples and that you send us into the world with the Good News of Jesus and also with the power to pray for people – that God would bring healing to then and help them in all their needs. In Jesus’ name. Amen
    (Note: If some people are in wheel chairs and can’t stand up ask them to raise their hands as a sign that they haven’t been completely healed yet but they have been made whole by Jesus)
    Copyright 2009 Andrew Hewlett (Feel free to use this story on Sunday morning but please give credit to and consider linking to this web site)




  • Many Rooms in my father's house

     Idea for the Children’s Sermon: My Father's House 

    John 14: 1-14 In my father’s house are many rooms   (mansions KJV)
    Let not your hearts be troubled.

    Kids story idea: Make a very small fort out of a card table and blanket (or other small space). Get into the fort and explain that you want them all to come inside to be with you. There won’t be enough room and some will be left outside. Use this as a lead in to explain how Jesus said that in his father’s house (heaven) there was lots of room. They didn’t need to worry. No follower of Jesus would be left out.
    Object lesson props:  A card table and a blanket to make a small fort.
    Full Children’s Sermon: Good morning Children! I put this blanket over this card table to make a little fort. It looks like a fun place doesn’t it? Would you like to come inside? (Go inside and then invite them all in. Wait to see if they protest that there is not enough room for everyone.) Is everybody inside? Uh oh! I guess there is not enough room. I wanted everybody to come inside but I guess this place is a little too small. Let’s all go back outside. (Ask the kids to sit down.) Who wasn’t able to make it inside? That’s too bad. I guess I need a bigger fort. In today’s bible reading from John 14:1-14 Jesus told his disciples that he was going away to be with his heavenly father. He also said that one day they would come and be with him. However, it seems that some of his followers (the disciples) were afraid that there might not be enough room in heaven (his father’s house). I think they felt there might not be enough room for everybody. But Jesus told them not to worry. He said that in his father’s house there was plenty of room (or rooms). If they were follows of Jesus they wouldn’t get left out. He also said that he was going to prepare that place for us. Isn’t that wonderful! Jesus is actually preparing a  wonderful place in heaven for us. I don’t know exactly what that will be like but because Jesus will be there it will be an amazing place!
    Children’s Prayer: Dear God. Thank you that in your house of heaven there is plenty of room for all who follow of Jesus. Thank you that we don’t have to worry but can look forward to that wonderful place that Jesus is preparing for us. In Jesus’ name – Amen!
    Copyright 2014  Feel free to use this on Sunday morning but please give credit to and consider linking to this site. Thanks – A.H.
  • Sheep without a Shepherd

    Sheep without a Shepherd

    Sheep without a shepherd –For the Children’s story or Sunday school

    Text Mark6: 30-34        Lectionary Trinity 6 sheep without a shepherd
    Basic idea: Have the children pretend they are sheep without a shepherd (Bleat, go around in circles and bump into one another). Then show how a shepherd can protect the sheep and lead them into good pasture.
    Alternate idea: Discuss the problem of having a train without a conductor, a plane without a pilot, a classroom without a teacher. Explain why it is important for the sheep (us) to have a shepherd (Jesus).
    Full Story: Good morning children. Today’s bible reading is about Jesus and his compassion and love for all the crowds of people. Jesus said he was very concerned because the people were like sheep without a shepherd. Jesus was like a good shepherd and he longed to show his love and care for all the people just as a shepherd would look after a flock of sheep. I want us to pretend that we are like a flock of lost sheep with no shepherd. (I would ask a number of young adults to come up and help be a part of the flock. It supports the children and encourages them to get involved with the actions)
    First of all, let’s practice bleating like sheep (bah bah…) Good. Now I want you to walk around and pretend that you are lost and hungry. (I think they will get the idea and it should be fun). Well done. You really look like a flock of lost sheep. What you need is a shepherd to protect you, and to lead you into good pasture. (You could demonstrate this by acting as a shepherd by pulling the children (sheep) together and then leading them over to a place where they can sit down and rest.) Thank you for being such good sheep. Jesus said without him we are just like sheep without a shepherd. Without Jesus we are lost, hungry and don’t where to go. I’m so grateful that Jesus is like a good shepherd.
    Pray: Dear God, on our own we are all like sheep without a shepherd. God, thank you that Jesus is a good shepherd who loves us and longs to guide us in his ways. Help us to follow him as he leads us into the wonderful life you have for us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
    Copyright Andrew Hewlett and   Feel free to use this on Sunday Morning but please give credit to and consider linking to this site. Thank you! A.H.



  • The hairs of your head are numbered

    kids sermon idea - Matthew10:24-39  "Even the hairs of your head are numbered " 

    Kids talk idea: God knows everything about us. Get a few volunteers to come forward (Choose people with various amounts of hair.) Ask the children to guess how many hairs each person has. Have some fun with this. Discuss how difficult this is to know. Discuss the bible verse and tell them how God knows everything about us. He knows how many hairs are on head and he cares about everything in our life.

    Props needed: Just a few willing people from the congregation
    Complete Children’s message:
    Good morning children! This morning I’m going to ask some people to come forward to help me with my message. Mr. Jones, Mr. Smith and Mr. Graham, would you please come forward and sit in these chairs. Thank you. Please sit down right here. Now children, which one of these men has the most hair? Yes, I would agree! Here is a harder question. How many hairs are on Mr. Jones’ head? You don’t know? Should we count them? Yes, it would take a very long time. How about Mr. Graham? How many hairs does he have on his head? You are right. Even though he doesn’t have much hair here it would still take a long time to count them all.
    We don’t even know how many hairs are on our own head! But, believe it or not, there is someone who knows exactly how many hairs are on our head. Do you know who that is? Right! God knows everything about us and he even knows how many hairs are on our head. In the bible (Matthew 10:20) Jesus said that “even the hairs of our head are numbered.” That’s petty amazing. God knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows everything about us. The good news is that he loves us too. There may times when we feel alone. There may be times when we feel like nobody knows what we are feeling. However, God is knows everything we are going through and his love is always reaching out to us.
    Children’s Prayer: Dear God, thank you that you love us and know everything about us. Help us to remember that we are never really alone and that you understand us when we are happy and when we are sad. Thank you that your great love will always give us strength and hope. In Jesus’ name – Amen!

    Copyright 2014 Andrew Hewlett and  Feel free to use this idea at your Sunday Service but please give credit to Sundaychildrensfocus can consider linking to this site. Thanks A.H.

  • Trusting God to lead us

    Children’s Sermon on Faith and Trust  Lectionary Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16

    Abraham obeyed God and went, even though he did not know where he was going

    Quick overview: Have one of the children volunteer and have then put a blind fold over their eyes. Tell them you are going to take them on a short journey (around the church sanctuary) but they won’t be able to see where they are going. Explain that because you are a friend and can be trusted, they won’t get lost. Debrief with the children by explaining that we can trust that God will lead us if we seek to follow Him. We won’t always know where we are going but God loves us and will be our sure guide through the journey of life.

    Objects needed:  a blind fold or tea towel to cover a child’s eyes

    Children’s Sermon:  Good morning kids! One of our bible readings today is about Abraham following God, even though he didn’t know exactly where he was going. Many years ago in the land of the Bible God called a man named Abraham to go to a land far away. God sent him off on a journey without a map or a GPS. Abraham didn’t know exactly where he was going but God promised that he would guide him to a very special land and through him create a great nation. It would have been pretty scary not knowing where he would end up making his home. But Abraham knew it would all work out because God promised to be with him and to guide him to just the right place.

    Perhaps I will show you what it was like for Abraham to head off trusting God. I need a volunteer to help me. Yes Janet, come up here and I’m going to put this blind fold over your eyes so you can’t see. Now, I’m going to quickly lead you by the hand around the inside of this church. The rest of you children can follow along for fun. (Lead the blindfolded individual down the aisle, around the back of the church to various places and come back up to another area up near the front. If you have a traveling mic you can ask them various questions: What are you feeling?  Is this scary? Is this fun? etc.) When you get back to the front of the church explain that this little trip was like Abraham heading off to an unknown land.) Well done! Thank you for helping Janet! Many years ago Abrahams adventure was a bit scary but he trusted (had faith) that God would watch over him and lead him.  What is wonderful about this bible story is that the same God who was with Abraham promises to lead us in our lives if we trust and obey him. In life we don’t always know where we are going, and sometimes life just doesn’t make sense! However, if we seek to live the way God wants us to live he will bring us to just the right place where he wants us to be. We will also discover that life is a wonderful adventure when we follow God and his Son Jesus Christ. Jesus promised that he would never leave us so we know we can always trust (have faith) that he will be there as our guide and friend.

    Children’s prayer:  Dear God, thank you that you and your Son Jesus promise to be with us always. Help us, through the power of your Holy Spirit to follow you and obey you wherever you lead us. Thank you that you have a wonderful adventure in store for us. In Jesus’ name – Amen!


    Copyright 2016   Feel free to use this on Sunday Morning but please give credit to Sunday Children's Focus and consider linking to this web site. Thank you!  A.H.