Helping Children Recognize the Voice of Jesus -

John 10:27 “My Sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”
Chidren's Sermon Theme: Learning to recognize the voice of Jesus
Props: None
Basic Children's sermon / Sunday school lesson summary: See if children can recognize their parent’s voice. As Christians they will learn to recognize the voice of Jesus too.
Short Children's Sermon: Good morning boys and girls. Listen to this passage in the Bible. (Read John 10:27) Jesus says that he knows us (his sheep) he will lead us and we can recognize his voice. That’s amazing! How do you think we could recognize the voice of Jesus? Let’s do a little experiment this morning. I’ll pick of few of you to come over here near the front of the church. Now, turn your back to the congregation so that you cannot see the people. Do you think that you can recognize your parent’s voice? Let’s see. (I use a cordless mike so I can walk down into the congregation) Now (child’s name) I want you to listen very carefully to these voices and put your hand up in the air when you hear the real voice of your parent. (Go down into the congregation and ask a few people to say a short phrase such as “Hello Janet it’s me.” When you come to their parent they will recognize their voice (trust me) and put up their hand in the air. When they pick out the voice of their parent get the congregation to give them a cheer. Do this for 2 or 3 children. Gather the children together. You are pretty good at recognizing the voice of your mom or dad. In the same way Jesus said that we would be able to recognize the voice of Jesus. Hearing the voice of Jesus is not always easy. Sometimes it’s like a very still small voice. But Jesus says that if we follow him we will learn to recognize his voice. That is very good news because Jesus is like a shepherd who will lead us into good pasture. If we follow him we will discover the wonderful adventures he has for us as his children.
Children's Prayer: Thank you God for sending Jesus who is like a good shepherd. Thank you that he knows us and that we can learn to recognize his voice and his leading. Help us always to follow Him. Amen
Copyright Andrew Hewlett Sundaychildrensfocus 2009