6 Minute Children's sermon - Christ the King Sunday - The Reign of Christ the King
Jesus is a King Lectionary: John 18: 33-37

Children’s Sermon idea: Help the Children understand that Jesus is a King. Have 2 or 3 members of the congregation bring the hat that they wear on the job as part of a uniform. (Police hat, fireman’s hat, hard hat, etc.) Explain that although these individuals look like anyone else they have a special role to play signified by the hat they wear. Hold up a crown and explain that although Jesus looked like a normal human being he was actually a King. Also emphasize that as followers of Jesus we are children of the king.
Object Lesson items: (1) Some hats the children will recognize (brought by a few members of the congregation). (2) A crown. This can be made from cardboard and covered with tinfoil.
Full Children’s Sermon / Object Lesson:
Good morning children. Do you see this hat? (Hold up a police officers hat) What person would wear a hat like this? That’s right, a police officer. Did you know we actually have a police officer who is part of our church family? It’s true. Mr Johnstone is a police officer. Would you please come forward Mr. Johnstone? You look like a pretty normal person, but we know that this is the hat you wear at work and that you are really a police officer. (Put the hat on their head). (Have them remain up front and hold up your next hat and go through a similar explanation. Then hold up the crown). Do you know what this is? Yes, it’s a crown. What sort of person would wear this? Yes, a King! Do we have a King of a foreign country here? No, I don’t think so. However, we are all followers of Jesus and he is a King. When Jesus walked upon the earth he looked like a normal human being, however he was really a King. Although we can’t see Jesus with our eyes we know that he is alive and that he is still a King. As followers of Jesus we are in his Kingdom. In fact we are “Kids of the Kingdom.” We always want to do our best to follow him and come under his Kingly rule. We also believe that he is with us this morning as we worship.
(Thank your guests and then lead the children in prayer)
Children’s Prayer: Thank you God for sending Jesus to be our saviour and our friend. Thank you also that he is a King. Help us always to follow him, honour him, and serve him in his Kingdom. Thank you God that we are “kids of the kingdom.” In Jesus Name, Amen
Copyright 2009 Andrew Hewlett and SundayChildrensFocus.com Feel free to use this on Sunday morning but please give credit to SundayChildrensFocus and consider linkng to this web site. Thanks! A.H.
Copyright 2009 Andrew Hewlett and SundayChildrensFocus.com Feel free to use this on Sunday morning but please give credit to SundayChildrensFocus and consider linkng to this web site. Thanks! A.H.