
  • Many Rooms in my father's house

     Idea for the Children’s Sermon: My Father's House 

    John 14: 1-14 In my father’s house are many rooms   (mansions KJV)
    Let not your hearts be troubled.

    Kids story idea: Make a very small fort out of a card table and blanket (or other small space). Get into the fort and explain that you want them all to come inside to be with you. There won’t be enough room and some will be left outside. Use this as a lead in to explain how Jesus said that in his father’s house (heaven) there was lots of room. They didn’t need to worry. No follower of Jesus would be left out.
    Object lesson props:  A card table and a blanket to make a small fort.
    Full Children’s Sermon: Good morning Children! I put this blanket over this card table to make a little fort. It looks like a fun place doesn’t it? Would you like to come inside? (Go inside and then invite them all in. Wait to see if they protest that there is not enough room for everyone.) Is everybody inside? Uh oh! I guess there is not enough room. I wanted everybody to come inside but I guess this place is a little too small. Let’s all go back outside. (Ask the kids to sit down.) Who wasn’t able to make it inside? That’s too bad. I guess I need a bigger fort. In today’s bible reading from John 14:1-14 Jesus told his disciples that he was going away to be with his heavenly father. He also said that one day they would come and be with him. However, it seems that some of his followers (the disciples) were afraid that there might not be enough room in heaven (his father’s house). I think they felt there might not be enough room for everybody. But Jesus told them not to worry. He said that in his father’s house there was plenty of room (or rooms). If they were follows of Jesus they wouldn’t get left out. He also said that he was going to prepare that place for us. Isn’t that wonderful! Jesus is actually preparing a  wonderful place in heaven for us. I don’t know exactly what that will be like but because Jesus will be there it will be an amazing place!
    Children’s Prayer: Dear God. Thank you that in your house of heaven there is plenty of room for all who follow of Jesus. Thank you that we don’t have to worry but can look forward to that wonderful place that Jesus is preparing for us. In Jesus’ name – Amen!
    Copyright 2014  Feel free to use this on Sunday morning but please give credit to Sundaychildrensfocus.com and consider linking to this site. Thanks – A.H.

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