A Cup of Water in Jesus' name
Children's gospel talk - A cup of Cold water in Christ's name
Children's Sermon or Sunday School lesson - Serving others
Object lesson idea: Small acts of kindness are important. - Show objects representative of big ways of helping others. Compare this to a simple cup of cold water and explain that even doing small things (such as giving a cup of water in the name of Jesus) are still very important to others and to God.Objects: Some suggestions: Doctors stethoscope, Tool Box, Scientists microscope, Firefighters hat, etc.Children’s object lesson: Mark 9:38-50 Trinity 16
Good Morning Children. This morning I’m thinking about some important ways for serving others and doing the sort things that would honour/ bless God. Do you know what this is? Yes, it’s a microscope. Scientist often use microscopes. I would love to be a scientist and find a cure for cancer or some other disease that hurts people. Do you know what this thing is? Yes, it’s called a stethoscope. Doctors and nurses us it to check up on people who have some illness. I would love to be a doctor and help people get better all over the world. Look at this here. It’s a tool box. What good things could a carpenter build? Those are good ideas. I would like to build a big school in a place where children had no school to go to. What else could we build that would help people?We’ve have talked about some great ways of serving God and serving others. Maybe some day you will be a doctor or a scientist or a builder / carpenter. However, in the bible reading we have today Jesus said that even the small things we do for one another are important. Look at this glass of water. Jesus said that even if we “give a cup of water” to someone in need it’s important (and God will reward us). (Read out the text from Mark 9) Helping others in small way is still very important. God notices all the very small things we do for others. He even promises that in some way we will be rewarded.Children’s Prayer -Serving others: Dear God. I pray that someday these children will help make big changes in the world. But I thank you that even when we are young we can still do important things that help others.Help us, through your Holy Spirit, to do those small things that will bless others and bless you as well. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Copyright 2009 Andrew Hewlett sundaychildrensfocus.com Feel free to use this lesson on Sunday morning but please give credit to sundaychildrensfocus.com and consider linking to this site. Thank you. A.H.
Back to School - Children with a Mission
Kids sermon - Helping children get back to school with a mission perspective
(Interactive Sermon for Children’s church or as a Back to School - Sunday School lesson starter)
-- Text suggestion: John 20:21 -23 "As the Father sent me, so I am sending you."Children’s message idea: Bring up individuals serving as missionaries (or have served as missionaries) up in front with the children. Discuss the country in which they served and explain the missionaries help bring the good news of the Jesus Christ to those who don’t him. Pray for them. Then explain that the kids are like missionaries to their schools and school friends that don’t know about Jesus. Pray for and commission the children to be sent out as missionaries as they prepare to go back to school.Object lesson items: Some individuals that are serving or have served as missionaries.Alternate: Bring up a mission info board that has pictures of missionaries. (If you do this you could take the children’s picture and add it to the mission board under “missionaries to schools.”Full Children’s Sermon: Good morning children! Today I want to introduce to you some very special people. This is Lori and Joke’ who serve as missionaries in the Philippines and Uganda with Precious Jewels Ministry. Missionaries are people who are sent out to bring the love of Jesus Christ to people in far away places. These two people serve as missionaries to very poor children who don’t have anyone to care for them. (|Consider interacting with the missionaries and let the children ask some questions. Have the children pray for them and the people with whom they serve.)Now kids, you may not be going off to a far away country like these missionaries but did you know you are like a missionary too? Most of us here are getting ready to go back to school. We may discover that many of the kids there don’t know about Jesus and his love. I want you to think of yourselves as missionaries to your school. Your school is not in a far away land like the Philippines but the people in your class need to learn about Jesus and his love. Think of yourselves as being sent by God to help others know about the good news of Jesus and God’s wonderful love. Even if we are home schooled or go to a Christian school God will still send us to people who don’t know about God’s love made known in Jesus. A few minutes ago we prayed for these missionaries here. Now it’s time for us to pray for you young missionaries as you get ready to go back to school. (Have your missionaries and some other members of the congregation come forward to pray with you.)Children’s Prayer: Dear God, thank you for missionaries that take the love of Jesus to far away places. As these children get ready to go back to school, send them out in the power of the Holy Spirit to bring the love of Jesus to all those who don’t know him. In Jesus’ name – Amen!Copyright 2010 sundaychildrensfocus.com Andrew Hewlett Feel free to use this on Sunday Morning but please give credit to Sundaychildrensfocus.com and consider linking your church web page to this site. Thank you. A.H.
Children's sermon - Come and See
Children's sermon on Evangelism - Bringing others to Jesus
John 1: 46 “Come and See” said Philip.Children’s sermon idea:In one of your church side rooms hide a person (special church guest) or special item (cake, beautiful banner, etc.) Do your best to describe to the children that special person or object that is hidden away. Finally suggest that the only real way to find out is to follow you and to “come and see” for themselves. Then tell them about how Philip said, “Come and see” to Nathanael and then took him to Jesus. Suggest that we can encourage others to “come and see” about Jesus and his love. (You could suggest that bringing people to church would be a good way of letting them know about Jesus and his family.)Kids' sermon: Good morning children! This morning I want to tell you about my special friend Jonathan. He is here in this church building this morning. We went to high school together. He was a very good soccer player. He is about this high. His hair is brown. You would really enjoy getting to know him. (Give some other details.) So, I think you know my friend Jonathan now. Is that true? Do you know him now? What would be the best way to get to know him? That’s right, to meet him face to face! Here is the best way to get to know Jonathan. Please stand up. Now, “COME AND SEE.” Follow me, and I’ll take to meet Jonathan. (Take the children by the hand to where your friend is.)(Debrief back at the front of the church.) In our bible reading today from the Gospel of John, Philip said to his friend Nathanael “Come and see” Jesus. Then he took Nathanael to meet Jesus. God wants us to bring people to Jesus too. We can’t see Jesus with our eyes but we know he is here with us this morning. If our friends don’t know about Jesus we could invite them to church. We are part of the family of God and this is a good place where they could learn about Jesus and his love.Children's Prayer: Dear God. We know there are many people who don’t know about Jesus and his love. Thank you that we can say, “come and see” and invite them to our church where they can see and know his love. In Jesus’ name – Amen!(Argh! – It’s a little choppy but I’ll post this now anyways!)
Copyright 2012 Sundaychildrensfocus.com Feel free to use this on Sunday but please give credit to SundaychildrensFocus and consider linking to this site. Blessings, A.H. -
Children's sermon - that the world would know
Kids sermon - Christian Unity– That the world would know John 17:20-26
“That they would be one”
Children’s sermon idea: Lead the children over to your band, choir or music team. Ask each band member to think of a song and when you say “go” begin to sing or play. It makes a terrible sound. Then ask them all to play a chorus together and let the children here the beautiful sound that comes when they play in unity.Objects needed: None. You just need some singers or musicians.Children’s sermon: Good morning children. This morning we have a bible reading from John’s gospel about Unity. Unity is a word that means being together or getting along together as one. Jesus said that if we got along together in peace as one then the rest of the world would know it was because of Jesus and his love. I want to show you what unity is like. Please follow me and we’ll go over to our Sunday morning praise band. Hello Cathy. I want you to think of a song that you like to play and get ready to play it in a minute or two. Frank, I really like your guitar. I want you to think of a song that you like and get ready to play it in a minute. (Continue on asking other members of the choir or band.) Ok. Are you all ready to go! Good. 1, 2. 3, go! (Let them make a terrible sound. Put your fingers in your ears for special effect.) Well children, how did that sound? That’s right. It sounded awful. They were not playing and singing in unity and it was a mess. Now, let’s ask them to play a song together in unity – all working together. Can you play the doxology for us? Great. 1, 2, 3 go! (Enjoy the beautiful sound.) How did that sound children? That’s right. It was much better. They all agreed to work together in unity and play the same song. Children, that reminds me how Christians are supposed to be when they are gathered together. They are supposed to work together in love. When they do live that way it is like a beautiful song that helps other people believe in the power and life of Jesus. However, when we only care about doing what we want to do there is no unity and it’s like a terrible noise. When that happens other people can’t see the love of Jesus at all.Children’s prayer: Lord God, thank you for our praise team that plays in unity and makes such beautiful music. Help all of us in this church to live together and get along together in unity and love. In that way others will notice and realize that it must be because of Jesus. In his name – Amen!Copyright Sundaychildrensfocus.com 2010 Andrew Hewlett - Feel free to use this kids sermon on at your Sunday morning service but please give credit to Sundaychildrensfocus.com and consider linking to this site. Thank you. A.H.
Children's sermon - the Greatest of these is Love
Children's sermon on 1 Cor. 13"The greatest of these is love"
1 Corinthians 13 Words without loveand noisy gongand a clanging cymbal.Children’s sermon idea: Bring out some pot lids from the kitchen and walk about clashing and crashing them loudly. Explain to the children that the Bible says that words without love are like a noisy gongor a clanging cymbal. (Give some examples of talking without love. You could give examples of saying something in love and get the music director to play some corresponding beautiful note on the piano.)Object lessonitems: Large metal pot lids from the church kitchen.Full Children’s Sermon: (Come out crashing loudly with your pot lids. Walk around the children and some of the parishioners as you watch them cringe.) Good Morning children. I hope that helped you wake up. Did you like this music I’m playing on the cymbals? (Give another blast of the “cymbals.”) No? Hmmm. I don’t blame you. It’s a terrible sound isn’t it? It makes you cringe.In one of our Bible readings this mornings from 1 Cor. 13, Paul explains that words without love are like a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal – just like these cymbals! He means that when we do a lot of talking without love we are really making just a terrible noise that no one wants to listen to. For example, if I say “get out of the way. You stepped on my toe.” It sounds like (Bash your cymbals.) No one wants to listen to that. However, when I’m acting in love my words will be a lot easier to listen. Words spoken with love sound like this: (Have the music director play a nice melody.) Now that is a lot easier to listen to. If I say, “It’s so nice that I’m such a smart and wonderful person” it probably also sounds like (clash you cymbals again.) On the other hand if I say, “Hi, I’m really glad that you came here this morning,” it sounds like…(gesture to the music director for a short melody.) Let’s pray and ask God to help us live in the love of Jesus and sound like that nice music to all those we meet.Children’s Prayer: Dear God, we know that when we are not acting in love our words will probably sound like a terrible clashing cymbal. Help us always to walk in your loveso that our words will a beautiful sound and an encouragement to others. In Jesus’ name – Amen!
Copyright sundaychildrensfocus.com Andrew Hewlett Feel free to use this story on Sunday but please give credit to Sundaychildrensfocus and do consider making a website link to this site. Blessings, A.H. -
Children's talk: Jesus came to seek and save the lost
Kids Sermon / Sunday school introduction:
Jesus came to seek and save the lost:Luke 19:1-10
Children’s sermon idea: Discuss and / or act out searching for someone who is lost. Explain how Jesus came to “seek and save the lost.”
(An alternative to this would be to paraphrase the story while children act out the key events. Appoint someone to be Jesus who walks through the crowd (the congregation). Have someone act out Zacchaeus. He could jump up on a platform beside a tree (a person with their arms outstretched) and look for Jesus coming. Jesus would call out to him and tell him he is coming to his house.)Object lesson items: None. For extra effect have a child pretend that he / she is lost by having them hide in the congregation before you start your message.Full Children’s Sermon:Good morning children! Have you ever been lost? Have you ever helped look for someone who was lost? (Discuss) Well, I’ve just realized that Billy is not up front with us this morning. I saw him at the beginning of the service. Perhaps he’s lost! Will you help me go and find Billy? Great. Why don’t you two go down that isle and I’ll take the rest of the kids and search at the back of the church.(When you “find” the lost person give a big cheer.) That’s great. Come and join the rest of us up at the front of the church.(Have the children sit down.)Thanks for helping find the lost person. What we did reminds me of a bible reading from the gospel of Luke chapter 19. In that bible story Jesus surprised some religious leaders by staying at the house of a nasty tax collector. In those days everybody hated tax collectors because they would often steal money –even from poor people. He was someone who seemed very far away from God. It was like he was lost to God. But the good news is that Jesus found him, called him by name and even went over to his house! Some of the religious people couldn’t understand why Jesus would stay at the house of such a bad person. But Jesus said that he wanted to “seek and save” people who were lost. He didn’t want to stay away from bad people, he wanted to show love to them and have them come home to God. I think that is what Jesus wants us to do too. He wants us to go and find people who are lost and far away from God and bring them home!Children’s Prayer: Dear God, help us to follow Jesus’ example by showing love to all those people who seem lost and far away from God.
Copyright 2010 Andrew Hewlett Sundaychildrensfocus.com Feel free to use this story on Sunday morning but please give credit to sundaychildrensfocus.com and consider linking to this site. A.H. -
John 3;16 For God so loved the world
Kids Sermon: For God so Loved the World John 3:16
John 3:16 (2nd Sunday in Lent – for those who follow the revised common lectionary)Children’s gospel message idea:Bring in a large cardboard sign with JOHN 3:16 in big letters. Get a helper to hold it up and wave it around like the common sight in a football stadium. Discuss the verse and why Christians hope that they can be seen on TV.Object lesson items. Large cardboard sign with the words “JOHN 3:16.” You could also where a toque, scarf, noisemaker and football jersey if you want to really look like a fan in the bleachers.Children’s Sermon:Good morning children! Tell me if this reminds you of anything you have ever seen. (Hold up and wave around the John 3:16 sign.) That’s right. If you have ever been to a football game or seen one on TV you have probably seen someone in the crowd waving this sign. Do you know what it means? John 3:16 is a bible verse. It says (show them in the bible), “for God so love the world that he gave his only son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” It is a wonderful bible verse because it tells us of God’s wonderful love for the world and that Jesus has opened the way for us to have eternal life! By trusting in Jesus we can have a wonderful life now and that goes on for ever and ever! That is a wonderful message that needs to get out to the whole world. Some Christians came up with the idea that by holding up the sign at football games where there are many people. They are hoping that people at the game might become curious and look up John 3:16 in the bible. They are also hoping that it might get on the TV camera and go out to the whole world!I think it is a wonderful way of helping others discover the wonderful message of God’s in Jesus Christ. However, that may not be our way of telling others about Jesus. Each of us can tell others about Jesus and his love. If we are Christ followers, each of us is a “sign” to the rest of the world of the life and love of Jesus Christ.Children’s prayer: Dear God, thank you for your amazing love that we read about in John 3:16. Help us to get that message out to the rest of the world. That way they can believe in Jesus and discover his wonderful life that goes on for ever and ever. In Jesus’ name – Amen!
Copyright 2014 Andrew Hewlett and Sundaychildrensfocus.com Feel free to use this kids talk on Sunday morning but please give credit to Sundaychildrensfocus.com and consider linking you web site to this site. Thank you - A.H.
Kids Sermon - Faith like a Mustard Seed
Children's bible talk - Mustard Seed Faith -
You can do wonderful things even with a small amount of faith in God. ((Please note: For the Mark 4: 26-34 text the emphasis is on the amazing Kingdom of God that starts from very small humble beginnings. As a visual aid you could show a very small seed and then show a large bush or plant that comes from the small seed. Then perhaps explain how the wordwide family of God started from the simple preaching of God's Word or message. ))Lectionary – Luke 17: 5-10Idea for the Children’s Sermon / Sunday school lesson introduction: Here’s my angle on this text: Even little children with “small sized” faith in God can still do big and wonderful things. To illustrate this have a big and strong person go over to your church lighting switch and show how they can turn all the big lights on and off. Then bring a very young child over and show how they can do the same thing. Even “little sized” strength can turn the big lights on and off. It is the same with our faith / trust in God. Even if we are a young child with “little sized faith” God hears our small prayers and will help us to do great things for Him.Object Lesson props: Some small seed to be “mustard seed.” Light switches that turn on and off your church lighting system. (Alternatively, any switch where a small action with have a big effect: Hitting a note on the piano, speaking into a microphone, etc.) -- Another alternative would be to use a small (mustard seed size) door key and demonstrate how it can unlock doors.Full Children’s Talk / Sermon: Good morning children! (Hold up your “mustard seed.”) Do you see this? You’ll have to look very hard. It’s mustard seed. In our bible reading from Luke 17:5-10 Jesus told his disciples that even if they had faith in God the size of this little mustard seed they would be able to do big and wonderful things with God’s help. I’ll try to show you how this might work. I want you all to follow me over to this spot in the wall where we have the light switches to our church. Did you know that these little switches / buttons can turn on and off all those big lights up there? I’ll get someone to help me out. There are a lot of big lights up there so I’d better get someone big and strong. Mr. Jones, you are very big and strong so I would like you to come and help me turn these big lights on. (Just for fun you could suggest he do some isometrics to pump up his muscles for the big job of turning on the lights. Then have Mr. Jones demonstrate how he can turn the lights on and off.) That’s pretty amazing that you can do that! However, I want to show you something that is even more amazing. I need someone who is very small to help me out. Yes, thank you Judith. Now, I’m going to hold you up in the air and I want you to see if you can turn these big lights on and off. You did it! That’s great. That’s pretty amazing. Even though you are very young and not strong like Mr. Jones, you can still turn all these big lights on and off. Let’s give Judith a cheer. Let’s go back to the front of the church. What Judith just did reminds me of what Jesus taught about faith and prayer. Jesus said that even if our faith was a very “small child faith” like this mustard seed (hold it up) we could still do big and wonderful things. God wants to do big and wonderful things through “little faith” people like you and me. We don’t have to wait until we have a big strong faith.Children’s Prayer: Dear God. We know that you have all the power in the world and in the universe.Thank you that even though we are small people, you hear our prayers, and together we can do amazing things. In Jesus’ name – Amen!Copyright 2010 SundayChildrensFocus.com Andrew Hewlett Feel free to use this on Sunday morning by please give credit to Sundaychildrensfocus and consider bookmarking and / or linking your web page to this site. Blessings, A.H. -
Kids sermon - Lost Coin - Lost Sheep
Children's sermon Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, Lost People Luke 15: 1-10
Kids Sermon idea: (for Sunday School or Children's Church)
Hide a coin such as a silver dollar and have the children help look for it. If time permits do the same with a toy sheep. Give a big cheer when you find it. Emphasize that when something is lost you always go and look for it. Explain how Jesus was always looking for people who were far away and who had lost God.Object Lesson items: A silver dollar or other expensive looking coin. A small plush toy sheep.Full Children’s Story: Good Morning Children! How many of you have ever lost something? Wow – most of you. What do you do when you loose something? Right! When something is lost you always go and look for it. Many years ago people wondered why Jesus was always heading off to look for people who were far away and had lost God. To explain why he was always looking for lost people he told a story about a person who had lost a very expensive coin and how that person looked very hard to find it because it was so valuable. Now this morning I lost a coin around the front of the church here. Would you please help me find it? (Have the children search for the lost coin and give them some hints if necessary.) When someone finds the lost coin give a big cheer and celebrate. (If you have the time, do the same with the toy sheep.) Jesus was saying that lost people were very valuable and that it was important to look for them when they were far away from God and lost. A person who had lost a valuable coin would look for it and be very happy when they found it. A shepherd who had lost a sheep would look for it and rejoice when it was found. And Jesus would always look for people who were lost a far away from God. He also said that when the person was found and came back to God there was great cheering and rejoicing in heaven.Children’s Prayer: Dear God, thank you that Jesus was always looking for lost people. We need Jesus and lost people need him just as much. – In Jesus’ name – Amen!
Copyright 2010 Sundaychildrensfocus.com Andrew Hewlett Feel free to use this story on Sunday Morning but please give credit to Sundaychildrensfocus and consider linking this web page to you church web site. Blessings, A.H.
Kids sermon - Weeds and the Wheat
Children's object lesson - Parable of the weeds and the wheat Matt 13: 24-30, 36-43
-- For Sunday school, youth group or children's church --Sunday School Sermon idea: Have a bag filled with different types of weeds along with small flowers or plants. Making two piles, have the children decide which are the good plants and which are the weeds. After this hold up cut out pictures of people (from a magazine). Ask them if they can decide who are the good people and who are the bad people. After seeing the pictures and realizing it cannot be done, explain how it’s not really our job to go around separating good people from bad people. Our job is to show love and care to all people.Object lesson items: Some weeds; some small flowers or plants; Pictures of people cut out from a magazine.Complete kids sermon: Good morning children! Have any of you helped plant things in the garden or helped pull weeds? I haven’t done a lot of gardening and I find it hard to tell the difference between the weeds and the flowers. Look at this bag here. It’s full of weeds and its full of flowers. Let’s see if you can tell the difference. I’ll make two piles on this tray; one for the good plants and one for the weeds. OK. What about this one? Is it a weed or a flower? How about this one? (Some may be easy to recognize and some difficult. Have some fun with this.)I think you did pretty well. However, sometimes it was hard to tell the difference, especially when the plants had not yet produced pretty flowers. Now I want you to look at these pictures here. They are pictures of people I cut out of a magazine. Why don’t we try to put them in different piles: We’ll have one pile for good people and one pile for bad people. (Hold up the pictures and ask the children to decide by looking at the people.) Hmmm. I don’t think this is working. I don’t think it’s really our job to put people into “good people” and “bad people” piles. In our bible reading today from Matthew chapter 13 Jesus makes it clear that it’s not really our job to try to decide who are the good people and who are the bad people in the world. God knows who are his friends and who are his enemies. Our job is to show the love of Jesus to everyone.Prayer for the Children: Dear God, help us not to worry too much about who is good and who is bad. Help us to show the love of Jesus to everyone. In Jesus’ name – AmenCopyright 2011 Andrew Hewlett – Sundaychildrensfocus.com Feel free to use this but consider linking to this site. Blessings, A.H. -
Object lesson - Workers in the Vineyard
Kids drama sermon - Matthew 20: 1-15 Parable of the workers in the vineyard
Idea for Children’s sermon:(1) Consider acting out the parable. Pick out the key actors and ask them to act the story out as you give a paraphrased account of the story.--Another option:(2) Have a long time member of the congregation (or older believer) come up front. Hand them a big box and explain to the children that this represents (or shows us) that this faithful order Christian has received a “big box” of the wonderful life and love of Jesus Christ. Then bring up another younger person who has only been a Christian for a short period of time. Ask the children what size box of Jesus’ love and life they should have. Hand them the same size box and explain how even new believers get the same huge amount of God’s love and life in Jesus Christ.Object lesson items needed: Two large boxes the same size. In big letters write on each box, “The Love and Life of Jesus Christ.”Full Children’s Sermon:Good Morning Children! This morning I’m going to ask Mr. Jones to come up in front of the church with us. (Ask Mr. Jones to come forward.) He is a very special person because he is 80 years old. He has always been a believer in Jesus Christ and he has been a member of our church longer than anyone else has. I wonder how much of the life and love of Jesus Christ has been given to him. I’m going to pretend the life and love of Jesus Christ is like this big box. (Hand the box to Mr. Jones.) He has been a believer for a very long time and I think he should have large amount of God’s live and love in Jesus Christ. Now, I’m going to ask another person to come forward. Debbie, will you please come forward? Debbie is only 16 years old and she has only been a believer in Jesus for one year! Some of you might remember when she was baptized. Since Debbie is a brand new Christian, how much of the life and love of Jesus Christ does she get? Should she perhaps get a little amount like this small box here? (Hold it up besides Mr. Jones’ box.) That would make sense wouldn’t it? She hasn’t been following Jesus nearly as much as Mr. Jones here. However, do you know what is amazing? The bible says that a new Christian believer like Debbie gets just as much of the life and love of Jesus as a long time believer like Mr. Jones. (Put the small box down and hand them a large box the same size as Mr. Jones’ to Debbie.) Isn’t that wonderful. God blesses us with a huge amount of the life and love of Jesus Christ even if we are a new Christian! Notice too the big smile on Mr. Jones’ face. He does not feel this is unfair. He’s happy that Debbie has this same wonderful gift of love and joy.Children’s Prayer: Dear God, thank you for your life and love that is in Jesus Christ your Son. There is more than enough to go around. Thank you that like these big boxes here, you have a big amount of your love and life for each of us even if we are a new Christian. In Jesus’ name – Amen!
Copyright 2011 Sundaychildrensfocus.com Andrew Hewlett Feel free to use this on Sunday but please give credit to Sundaychildrensfocus and consider linking to this web site. Thanks - A.H. -
Prophet without honor
A prophet without honor Mark 6: 1-13
Children’s sermon idea: Show the children some visual symbols we use to honor people. Explain how Jesus was not always honored by those around him. Help the children understand how we are not always honored or understood when we share the love of Jesus with others.
Props: Anything that we use to honor people. An Olympic medal, a fancy chair, large sign with the words “THANK YOU”.
*(As an alternative / addition you could have the congregation give a cheer of approval or a frown)
Full Children’s sermon: Good morning children! Do you see this medal? What sort of person would you give this to? That’s right, someone how won a race or did really well at some sports event. Who would you give a giant thank you card to? Yes, someone who did something that you really appreciated. Who might you get to sit in a really fancy chair like this? Sometimes people show their appreciation by cheering. I’m going to get the congregation to give you followers of Jesus a big cheer. (Prompt the congregation to rousing cheer.) Wow! That felt pretty good, didn’t it! We all like to be appreciated and we all like it when people say thank you for something we did. There is a word that explains how we might feel. It’s the word “honor” (You might want to unpack this a bit. You could also ask the congregation to frown as that look at the children.)
You probably know that Jesus travelled around doing good wherever he went. But did you know that not everyone was happy with him? Not everyone honored him. In fact, sometimes even those very close to him did not understand or honor him for the wonderful things he did. You might think that everybody would be happy with what he did but that is not what always happened.
As followers of Jesus, we will not always be appreciated or honored for the good things we do. In fact, sometimes close friends may make fun of us or get angry at us. This happened to Jesus, and it will sometimes happen to us. When that happens, it might make us sad, but we should not stop doing good and showing love to others! It’s nice when people honor us with a cheer or a word of thanks, but we need to keep following Jesus even when nobody seems to care.
(You might want to wrap up the message by getting the congregation to give a big cheer for the kids.)
Children’s Prayer: Dear God, thank you that Jesus kept on showing love to people even when some didn’t appreciate it. When people don’t say thank you (and honor) us, help us to know that YOU love us. That is the most important thing. In Jesus’ name – Amen!
Copyright SundayChildrensFocus.com Andrew Hewlett 2021
(Feel free to use this on Sunday morning but please give credit to this site and “Like” us on your social media platform. Thank you! A.H.)
Sheep without a Shepherd
Sheep without a shepherd –For the Children’s story or Sunday school
Text Mark6: 30-34 Lectionary Trinity 6Basic idea: Have the children pretend they are sheep without a shepherd (Bleat, go around in circles and bump into one another). Then show how a shepherd can protect the sheep and lead them into good pasture.Alternate idea: Discuss the problem of having a train without a conductor, a plane without a pilot, a classroom without a teacher. Explain why it is important for the sheep (us) to have a shepherd (Jesus).Full Story: Good morning children. Today’s bible reading is about Jesus and his compassion and love for all the crowds of people. Jesus said he was very concerned because the people were like sheep without a shepherd. Jesus was like a good shepherd and he longed to show his love and care for all the people just as a shepherd would look after a flock of sheep. I want us to pretend that we are like a flock of lost sheep with no shepherd. (I would ask a number of young adults to come up and help be a part of the flock. It supports the children and encourages them to get involved with the actions)First of all, let’s practice bleating like sheep (bah bah…) Good. Now I want you to walk around and pretend that you are lost and hungry. (I think they will get the idea and it should be fun). Well done. You really look like a flock of lost sheep. What you need is a shepherd to protect you, and to lead you into good pasture. (You could demonstrate this by acting as a shepherd by pulling the children (sheep) together and then leading them over to a place where they can sit down and rest.) Thank you for being such good sheep. Jesus said without him we are just like sheep without a shepherd. Without Jesus we are lost, hungry and don’t where to go. I’m so grateful that Jesus is like a good shepherd.Pray: Dear God, on our own we are all like sheep without a shepherd. God, thank you that Jesus is a good shepherd who loves us and longs to guide us in his ways. Help us to follow him as he leads us into the wonderful life you have for us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.Copyright Andrew Hewlett and Sundaychildrensfocus.com Feel free to use this on Sunday Morning but please give credit to Sundaychildrensfocus.com and consider linking to this site. Thank you! A.H. -
Sunday School ideas - Giving a cup of water in Jesus' name
Sunday School ideas - a cup of cold water in Jesus' name - Matthew 10:40-42
As a general introduction to any lesson on this topic begin by reading and discussing the story of Matthew 10:40-42, where Jesus teaches about the importance of hospitality and kindness. Although the giving of a cup of cold water here is focused on support for those serving Christ, I believe this can be applicable for supporting any in need.
Plan a “Water Drive”: Organize a water drive where children bring bottles of water to donate. Explain how clean water is a basic need for many people around the world and how their donations can make a difference. This of course could also be use to remind people of the story of the Woman at the Well and the spiritual thirst that Jesus can satisfy.
Hold a Water Relay: Set up a relay race where children pass cups of water from one end to another. This can be a lot of fun – especially on a hot day! Emphasize the importance of working together and supporting one another, just as Jesus taught.
Random Acts of Kindness: Encourage children to perform small acts of kindness, such as offering a glass of water to someone who is thirsty or helping someone in need. Discuss how these acts reflect Jesus' teachings. They won’t get paid in money but they will certainly be rewarded in significant ways by God. You might also have the children give examples of how others helped them out in times of need.
Water related Crafts: Engage children in water-themed crafts such as making friendship bracelets with water-related charms or designing their own water-themed bookmarks. During the craft activity, discuss how they can use these items as reminders to show kindness and help others.
Role-playing: Divide children into pairs and have them act out scenarios where they can demonstrate hospitality and kindness. Encourage them to think about how they would offer a cup of cold water in different situations. This exercise will be remembered by the children as it engages all the senses.
Guest Speaker / Missionary - Invite a guest speaker, such as a representative from a local charity or organization that provides clean water to communities in need. If you have a large congregation, you might even have a water well driller in the fellowship. Allow the children to ask questions and learn about the impact of their donations.
Art Project: Provide art supplies and have the children create artwork depicting acts of kindness and giving water to others. Display their artwork in the Sunday School classroom or the church to remind them of the importance of their acts of kindness and mercy.
Sunday school resources - Parable of the talents
Sunday School Resource: Children's Sermon/
Object lesson on the Parable of the Talents Matt 2514-30
(I just remembered it is Shoe Box(Samaritan's Purse) Sunday at our church. I'm going to substitude the first-aid kit for a Shoe Box gift box.)
Children’s talk idea: Show the children a first-aid kit, discuss its contents and demonstrate how items are used to help an injured person. Discuss how tragic it would be to refuse to open it up and use the contents for good. We are a bit like the first-aid kit. God has given us talents and abilities that need to be opened up and used. How tragic it would be to “play it safe” and not share what we have. Discuss the parable of the talents and the danger of burying what has been entrusted to us.Object lesson items: A small first aid kit. If it is new (wrapped up and sealed) all the better.Children’s Sunday School Sermon:Good morning children! Have you ever seen a box like this? Do you know what it is? That’s right! It is a first-aid kit. What are some things that might be inside? Let’s open it up and look inside. It’s all nicely wrapped up so I will have to remove this plastic first. Look how nice and neat it is inside. (Examine the contents and discuss how various items could be used to help an injured person. You might have one of the children pretend to be injured.) Now, what if this first-aid kit was so special to me that I was afraid to open it up and use it? (Clutch the first-aid kit in your arms.) What if I said to myself, “I only have 5 band-aids and I don’t want to use them up”? Or, “The kit is so neat and tidy, I don’t want it to get messed up.” Or, “I’m going to keep it safe by wrapping it up and burying it over here in a safe place.” That would be very sad. The parent of that child would be angry that we cared more about keeping my kit safe than helping their child.This is a bit like today’s bible reading, the parable of the talents. In this parable, the master gave money to his servants. He wanted them to use money for good. Some of the servants put the money to good use but one of the servants buried it in the ground. He was keeping it safe but it certainly didn’t help anyone. He was a bit like someone who was afraid to open up his first-aid kit. God has given each of you special gifts, talents and abilities. (You could give some examples.) It is important that you use what you have for good. Like this first-aid kit, we have gifts and talents that we can use to help others. We certainly don’t want to hold them all inside and keep them from being used. What’s amazing is that Jesus actually said we would end up having more when we give our gifs away. Now that is a miracle!Children's Prayer: Dear God, thank you that each of us has gifts and abilities we can use to help others. Help us to open up our lives and share those good things with others in need. In Jesus’ name – Amen!
Copyright 2011 Sundaychildrensfocus.com Andrew Hewlett Feel free to use this on Sunday morning but please give credit to Sundaychildrensfocus and consider linking to this site. Thank you! A.H.