Children' Sermon for Advent: Prepare the way of the Lord

 Advent3 John1  John the Baptist - Make straight paths    (Can also be used in Lent_

Advent Sermon for kids: Before the children come down the isle to the front of the church place chairs, music stands, and other available paraphernalia in the isle so that it is difficult for them make their way up. Discuss with the children how this is unwelcoming. Explain how John the Baptist wanted to the people to “prepare the way” and “make straight paths” for the coming of Jesus. Discuss how we can prepare our hearts and clear out any clutter in our lives in order to be welcoming to Jesus Christ.
(As part of the teaching you could ask the Children to “prepare the way” and make a straight path by removing the clutter in the isle.)
Advent Object lesson props: Movable chairs, benches or music stands that can be quickly set up to block access down the church isle.
Full Children’s Sermon: Good morning children! Wow. You were a little slower getting up to the front this Sunday. Why did it take you so long? (Let them respond.) I don’t know where all that stuff came from. It made it very difficult for you to get up here. It is certainly not very welcoming. Will you help me straighten out the path and move this stuff? When people come forward to read from the bible or for receiving communion, we want them to feel welcomed. Thank you very much. This morning our Advent bible reading is about John the Baptist. The bible says that he came to help people “Prepare the way” and “make straight paths” for the coming of Jesus. He wasn’t really talking about moving chairs and music stands out of the way. He wanted the people to know that they needed prepared the way in their hearts. He wanted the people to clear out selfishness, pride, and hatred so that their lives would be welcoming to Jesus. We want to do that too. As we look forward to Christmas we want our lives to be welcoming to Jesus. We can ask God to help us with this in prayer.
Children’s Prayer: Dear God, please forgive us for the ways that we have cluttered up our lives with sin (Example: Just doing what we want to do and not showing love and kindness to others). Please forgive us and help us to live lives welcoming to your Son Jesus. In Jesus’ name – Amen!

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