Children`s sermon – Spiritual Blindness John 9: 1- 41 

Kids sermon idea: Show the children a pair of dark welding goggles and let them try them on. They can`t see things that would normally be easy to see. Explain how some people in the bible could not “see” or understand the light and love of Jesus. It was like they were wearing dark sunglasses making them blind to the things of God. Thank God that although we can’t see Jesus physically he has helped us to understand, know and “see” the real Jesus.
(I realize the idea of spiritual sight will not be grasped by all the children.)
Kids Object lesson props: Welding goggles or very dark sun glasses (used for mountain climbing)
If you can’t find any you could get an old pair of sunglasses and darken them up with paint or a felt pen marker.
Children’s Sermon: Good morning children! Look at these special glasses I brought in this morning. They are special glasses used by people who work with very bright fire. Would you like to try them on?
Great! They look good on you Sally. Now, I’d like you to look over there on the front row. Can you tell me what colour sweater Mrs. Jones is wearing? No. It’s very hard to tell because the glasses are so bright. When you wear these glasses it’s almost like being blind. (Let some other children try.)
In our Bible reading today from John’s gospel there were people who just couldn’t understand Jesus and his love and power. Even when Jesus did something wonderful like healing a blind man some people became very angry at him. They did not want to believe in him. It was like they were blind to understanding Jesus. Yes they could see him with there eyes but it was like their “understanding eyes” were blind as if they were wearing these dark glasses.
The good news is that although we cannot see Jesus today with our eyes we can know his love and his life. The Holy Spirit of God has helped us to know Jesus so that we are no longer blind to his life and love.
Children’s Prayer: Dear God, thank you that we are no longer blind to Jesus and his love. Help us to know him more and more each day. In Jesus’ name – Amen!
Copyright 2011 Andrew Hewlett Feel free to use this story on Sunday morning but please give credit to Sunday Children’s focus and consider linking and / or donating to this sight. Thank you. A.H.