sermon for kids - A centurion's Faith - Just say the word (Luke 7:1-10) 
Childrens sermon idea: This is short dramatic explanation of the faith of the centurion.
Using some of your kids visually demonstrate how Jesus often went from person to person performing healings. Have an individual positioned far away at end of the church isle. Demonstrate how Jesus could also heal at a distance by simply “saying the word.”
Props and preparation: It might be helpful to prep ahead of time the person you are going to use to heal at a distance.
Children's Sermon: Good morning children! This morning our bible reading from Luke chapter 7 is about a Roman Centurion soldier who had faith that Jesus could even heal someone from far away. Now, you need to help me with. I want some of you (point to a few) to pretend your are sick and need healing. (Help them lie down and pretend they need healing.) Now I’m going to have Brian pretend he also needs healing but I’m going to have him go and lie down way at the back of the church. (Take him there or have someone escort him.)
(Explain and demonstrate how Jesus healed) Jesus travelled around from town to town telling people about God’s love and God’s kingdom. He would often heal people. He might reach out and touch someone who couldn’t walk. (Touch one of the children lying down and help them to their feet.) He might say a prayer over someone who needed to received their sight. (Saying a short prayer as you put your hand over their eyes.)
But one day Jesus needed to heal someone who was far away. (Look down the isle in the direction of the person who needs healing. Start walking down the isle and then stop.) This time however, Jesus simply said the word (spoke) and them boy was healed. Perhaps he said something like this: “Young child – be healed.” (The individual stands up in joy and awe.)
Jesus was so amazing that he could even heal people when he was far away from them!
Children, that same Jesus is alive today. We don’t know how Jesus will work in a person’s life. He might bring healing, he might bring special friends and helpers, he might bring courage, or he might bring strength. We do know that wonderful things happen when we trust in Jesus as our friend and leader.
Children’s Prayer: Dear God. It’s so wonderful that Jesus had such wonderful power and wonderful love. Help us always to trust in Him! In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Copyright 2013 Andrew Hewlett and Feel free to use this on Sunday morning but please give credit to Sundayschildrensfocus and consider linking to this site. Thanks - A.H.
Copyright 2013 Andrew Hewlett and Feel free to use this on Sunday morning but please give credit to Sundayschildrensfocus and consider linking to this site. Thanks - A.H.