Children's sermon - Jesus is rejected by his friends and family at Nazareth 
Basic idea: Help children understand the humanity of Jesus and that he understands when we feel sad or rejected. Have a small group of individual prepared to say negating comments to Jesus. Dramatize how it must have been very painful for Jesus to be rejected by his friends and family at Nazareth, his home town.
Dramatic Children’s sermon:
(Ask a small group of volunteers to represent the friends and family of Jesus in Nazareth. Suggest that they be ready to give comments such as; “That’s just Jesus – he’s not so special, “ or “I’ve seen him before, who cares about him?” Have them walk away from you (Jesus) when they are finished insulting and criticizing you.
Good morning children! This morning our bible reading is about Jesus returning to his home town of Nazareth. Do you think all the people would be excited to see him? Yes, you would think so. Jesus had been doing many wonderful things, he healed many people and was showing his love to many people. However, when he went back to his home town of Nazareth it wasn’t as he had hoped. Now, I have some people that are going to come forward and pretend to be the family and friends of Jesus at Nazareth. (Thank you, please stand just over here)
Now kids, I’m going to pretend I’m Jesus returning home to Nazareth. Watch closely.
(Walking towards the group of volunteers with arms outstretched): “Hello Friends! Remember me? It’s Jesus. I used to live here!” (Members of the group respond with disparaging comments and insults. Jesus keeps trying to be friendly but they reject him. Eventually the crowd of “friends” walks off leaving Jesus all alone and downcast.)
Children, it was so sad that even his friends and some members of his family rejected him. How do you think Jesus felt? (Allow the children to respond) That’s right. Jesus would have been so sad to be rejected by people in his home town. Jesus knows what it’s like to be insulted and hurt. Sometimes people say things to us that make us sad. Perhaps they say something unkind or hurtful. Perhaps they just say they don’t want to play with us. That hurts us inside and can make us sad. If that ever happens to you I want you to remember that Jesus knows what it feels like. He knows what you are feeling inside because he was treated that way too. The good news is that He loves us all the time. He will never leave us or forsake us. 

Children’s prayer: Dear God, thank you that Jesus knows what we are feeling and he understands because he suffered and was rejected by his friends. Thank you that He will always love us and will never leave us. In Jesus’ name – Amen!
Copyright 2015 Feel free to use this on Sunday morning but please give credit to Sunday Children's Focus and "Like" this page and consider linking to this web site. Thank you! A.H.
Copyright 2015 Feel free to use this on Sunday morning but please give credit to Sunday Children's Focus and "Like" this page and consider linking to this web site. Thank you! A.H.