Children's Sermon on Luke13 Jesus heals a woman on the Sabbath
What days are for helping others? 

Kid’s sermon idea: Show the children a calendar and explain how it shows the days of the week. Discuss what days might be best for various activities (going to church, getting together with family members, going to school, etc.) Ask them what would be appropriate days for helping someone in need. Explain how Jesus taught that everyday was a good day to heal and to do good.
Object lesson item: A large paper calendar (Showing a week or a month / page)
You might want a felt pen to write in the calendar or draw symbols.
Full Children’s Talk: Good morning children! Do you know what this is? This is a calendar and it has a space here for each day of the week. Can you say the various days of the week? (Get them to say the various days of the week and point to the days / squares on the calendar.) That’s very good. Now, what do you think would be a good day of the week to go to church? Yes, Sunday is the day most people go to church. That’s what today is. When would be a good days to go to school? I agree, those would be good days. What would be a good day to get together for a walk in the park with some friends? Yes, Saturday might be the best day because there is no school on that day. Now, here is a tricky question. When is a day that would be good for helping others? Or, think of this: When is a day that you could not show love to others? (Let the children respond.) I think you are right. Every day is a good day to show love and help others in need. Our bible reading today from Luke 13 explains how Jesus did a wonderful miracle by healing a crippled woman. But unfortunately, some people were very upset and said that he helped and healed this woman on the wrong day. They were mad at Jesus because they felt he was showing love on the wrong day! Jesus told them that even a special day of rest was a good day to help someone in need. He let them know that every day of the week was a good day for showing love to people. Showing love to people could happen on any day. (If you have been using a felt marker you could draw in a cross or a heart in each day of the week.)
Children’s Prayer: Dear God, thank you that Jesus showed love and helped people on every day of the week. Help us to remember that it is important to show love to people whenever there is a need. In Jesus’ name – Amen!
Copyright 2013 Andrew Hewlett and Feel free to use this on Sunday but please give credit to Sundayschildrensfocus and consider linking to this web site. Thanks – A.H