Riches in Heaven Luke 12: 32-40
Kids Object lesson: Use a piggy bank or money jar to demonstrate how to save up money. Explain that it is even more important to store up treasure in heaven by living the life Jesus wants us to live.
Object lesson items: A piggy bank, money jar or purse.
Full Kids sermon / Sunday School talk: Good morning children! Do you know what this is? That's right! It's a piggy bank. When I was younger I used a piggy bank like this to save up money. Perhaps there was a special toy that I really wanted to buy. If I had some money like this coin, I would put it in this slot at the top and drop it in. When I wondered if I had enough money saved up I would shake it like this (give a demonstration) and listen to the coins jingling around. Saving up money is a good thing. We certainly don't want to waste money. However, in our bible reading today from the Gospel of Luke, Jesus said that there was another place we should always be saving up riches and treasure. That special place is heaven. We can't see this place called heaven, but Jesus said it's real and that one day he will welcome us into that wonderful place. Jesus said that when we live the life that God wants us to live (give some examples – showing love, helping those in need, etc) we are actually saving up riches and treasure in heaven. Jesus said that heaven is the most important place to store up riches. He also said that it is the safest place of all because no one can steal it way. So, I hope you will be wise and save up some money here on earth. But I hope you will be very wise and save up treasures in heaven by living the life that Jesus wants us to live.
Children's Prayer: Dear God, show us how we can follow Jesus and live a life of love and service to others. That way we can know that we saving up riches and treasures in heaven – the most important place of all. In Jesus' name, Amen!
Copyright 2013 Andrew Hewlett and Feel free to use this kids talk at church or youth group but please give credit to Please consider linking your church web site to this site. Thank you!