The Greatest Command – Love God and Love your neighbour Matt 22: 34-46 or Mark 12:28-34
Idea for Youth group talk or Children’s sermon: 

Show the children a “Guinness book of world records.” Ask them is they know what is the greatest
(fill in the blank) in the world. Test them on some fun facts about greatness. Explain how the religious teachers tested Jesus by asking him what was the greatest commandment of all. Discuss with the children how Jesus said the greatest command of all was to love God and to love others.
Object lesson items: A Guinness book of world records. (Ask families who have children. This is a popular book. You can also find it at the library.)
Children’s sermon / Sunday school lesson introduction:
Good morning children! I’m going to show you a very interesting book I have here this morning. It’s called the “Guinness book of world records.” Have you heard of this book? It is full of world record holders. It lists the greatest athlete in the world, the greatest hamburger, the greatest painter, and the greatest roller skater. (Show some pictures to the children and have some fun. Then ask them some “test” questions about greatness.) Who do you think is the greatest singer of all time? What is the greatest rock and roll band of all time?
(You might even mention that the Bible is mentioned as the best selling book of all time.)
Today’s bible reading from the gospel of Matthew tells how the religious leaders asked a “test” question to Jesus. They asked him what was the greatest commandment of all. Of course, Jesus knew the answer! He said that the greatest commandment was to “love God and to love others.” He said that the whole message of their bible (the Law and the Prophets) was about the importance of loving God and loving others. That is important for us to know too. It’s nice to know who is the greatest hockey player, what is the greatest country in the world and what is the greatest book in the world. Yet, it is most important that we know the greatest commandment is to love God and love others.
Children’s prayer: Dear God, Jesus taught that the greatest command of all. With the help of your Holy Spirit help us to obey this command to truly love you and to love others. In Jesus’ name – Amen!
Copyright 2011 Andrew Hewlett Feel free to use this Sunday morning but please give credit to Sundaychildrensfocus and consider linking to the web site. Thank you! A.H.
Copyright 2011 Andrew Hewlett Feel free to use this Sunday morning but please give credit to Sundaychildrensfocus and consider linking to the web site. Thank you! A.H.