Children's Story about Holy Communion
Sermon for children: Help Children understand Holy Communion / the Lord’s Supper (John 6:56-6:9)
Basic Idea: Show the back pack you use for hiking and the lunch bag inside. Discuss how this food is vital for the journey. Show the bread and wine / grape juice you use for communion and explain how this spiritual food (of Jesus Christ) is vital sustenance for the journey of life.
Objects needed: Backpack, lunch container / bag with various food items. The bread and wine /grape juice you use for celebrating the Lord’s Supper.
Full Story: Good Morning Children. Do you see what I have on my back? Yes. It is the back pack I use for hiking and camping. It holds all the important item I need if I go on a hiking trip. What do you think is one of the most important things to take with you if you are on a trip? (Discuss the responses). Inside this bag is something that is very important to take along. It’s my lunch! Mmmm. Look what I have inside. When you are on a long hike it is very important to have lots of good, healthy food. It gives you the energy to keep going and to stay healthy. In fact, without food you wouldn’t live very long.
Now, I’d like you all to look over here on this table. It has food for a meal – the bread and wine we use when we celebrate the Lord’s Supper together. It is a special meal because the bread and wine remind us (or are for us) the body and blood of Christ. Jesus said that he was “the bread of life” and that we need to feed on him if we are to really discover that true life that God has for us. When we eat the bread and wine it reminds us that we want Jesus to come inside us and feed us with himself. It also reminds us that his is the bread of life and that he loved us so much he was willing to give his life for us.
When we celebrate the Lord’s Supper with this bread and wine we might think of it as food for the journey of life. We are all on a journey and big adventure in life and when we have the bread and wine on Sunday it is a time to receive Jesus and all that he did for us. It also reminds us that we need to feed on Jesus every day of our life if we are going to really live.
Pray: Thank you Lord for our daily food. When we have Holy Communion / the Lord’s Supper, help us to truly feed on Jesus who is the bread of life. Amen!
Copyright 2009 Andrew Hewlett Feel free to use this story on Sunday morning but please give credit to and consider linking to this site. Thank you. A.H.
Copyright 2009 Andrew Hewlett Feel free to use this story on Sunday morning but please give credit to and consider linking to this site. Thank you. A.H.