Palm Sunday Kidzone - Story Time with Lucy - Open Gate Church March 2020 All the people welcome Jesus coming into Jerusalem March 2020.
- Object lesson for Easter Day - orTry this Resurrection Easter skit -
Text for this week Matthew 21:1-11 Palm Sunday - (Stay tuned: Planning to make short videos that I can send out to our children during this time of Covid-19) or Check out this for Palm Sunday and Holy Week - (Walking with Jesus - Palms, Bread and Wine, and the Cross.) --> -- (You'll notice I've made it more interactive so parents can be involved in the discussion.
: Lazarus - come out -wake up! - To Jesus bringing the dead back to life is just like waking someone up! Here is what I put together --
John 9:1-41 I was blind but now I see - the man born blind. Spiritual blindness - and seeing Jesus (Lent 4)
John 4:5-42 The woman at the Well (Jesus gives the water of life!)
( Good News! - We will be restructuring this web site to get it more organized and user friendly for hand held devices - stay tuned! God willing there will be new material posted up as well - Turning over a new leaf in 2020!)
==> Unrelated interlude - I believe my daughter has real gift for capturing the beauty of creation. Can't help boasting a bit. Check out Judith's instagram page! (If you look closely I'm in there with Judith on my shoulders - few years ago)
Creative Sunday school ideas 4 kids: FREE: Children's sermons / skits (note: Many of these sermons for kids could be adapted into great sermon illustrations for youth group / adults) Short children's sermons
(Please Note: Consider visiting the resources on the right side of the page. That's how I am able to provide this material free to you) and please "Like" a page if you find something helpful)-
Easter Devotions / Kids talk for Youth Group, Sunday school, or Children's Church -
Sunday School Teachers: Great ideas and illustrations for anyone involved in ministry to children.--- --Christ Centered / Evangelical - focusing on the Gospel as "Good News." - Designed primarily for the short "Children's Focus" during Sunday Morning worship, these Children's sermons can be used in a variety of ways: An introduction to a Sunday School lesson, for Children's Church/Chapel, Youth Groupor Kids club, etc. I trust these Christian sermons for Children will be a great resource for Pastors and Sunday School teachers. Blessings, Pastor Andrew -- Any feed back would be much appreciated! pastorandrew(at) opengatechurch (dot) ca
Note: Stay tuned as I post stories on YouTube -Valuable to God- Gods Love - Secure in God's love- Repentance - These Sermon's for Children are:
- In the near future I will be including ideas on: -- Sunday School Crafts -- Sunday School Gamesor Youth Group Games -- Other Sunday school ideas ...stay tuned! -- Printable Bible quizzes for kids
Mark 10:17-31
Children’s Prayer: Dear God, thank you for Jesus and his wonderful life. Help us to truly build our lives on Him and not something else. Copyright 2012 Andrew Hewlett Feel free to use this on Sunday but please give credit to SundaychildrensFocus. Please consider linking to this site. Thanks! A.H.
Here are some Sunday School object lesson ideas for Maundy Thursday. (Maundy comes from the Latin word “Mandatum” which mean Commandment.) It’s the occasion that Jesus said, “This is my commandment, that you love one another..” This is simple list of ideas that you might use. My sense is that this day in Holy Week is not normally taught given that it falls mid week.
Maundy Thursday, also known as Holy Thursday, is the day before Good Friday that commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with His disciples. Here are some Sunday School object lesson ideas for Maundy Thursday:
The Bread: You might try bringing in a loaf of bread or some crackers to represent the bread that Jesus broke at the Last Supper. Discuss how Jesus said that the bread was His body, which would be broken for us. You can also have the children take turns breaking the bread and passing it around, just as Jesus did with His disciples.
The Cup: Use a cup or a chalice to represent the cup of wine that Jesus shared with His disciples at the Last Supper. Discuss how Jesus said that the wine was His blood, which would be shed for us. Depending on your denominational sensitivities, you can also have the children take turns pouring a small amount of grape juice into the cup and passing it around, just as Jesus did with His disciples.
The Footwashing: Use a basin of water and a towel to reenact the footwashing that Jesus did with His disciples at the Last Supper. Have the children / youth take turns washing each other's feet, and discuss how this was a symbol of humility and service. Explain how Jesus taught His disciples to serve one another in love, just as He had served them.
The Commandment: You could try using a large piece of paper or a whiteboard to write out the wonderful commandment thatt Jesus gave His disciples at the Last Supper: "Love one another as I have loved you." Discuss how this commandment is at the heart of the Christian faith, and how we are called to love others in the same way that Jesus loved us.
The Betrayal - coins: Use a small bag of coins to represent the thirty pieces of silver that Judas received for betraying Jesus. Discuss how Judas' betrayal led to Jesus' arrest and crucifixion, and how this event reminds us of the importance of honesty, loyalty, and trust. It also reminds us of various way that we are tempted to betray Jesus.
These are just a few Sunday School object lesson ideas for Maundy Thursday. Even if you don’t use them during Holy Week you could use them at some other time in the year. Remember to keep the lessons age-appropriate and interactive to engage the children's attention and help them better understand the significance of this important day in the Christian faith. Blessings - A.H.
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