Hidden from the wise and learned and revealed to children: Matthew 11: 25-30
Interactive object lesson for Sunday School, Children’s Church or Jr. Youth Group 
Children’s sermon /object lesson idea:
The basic idea is to have something that young children can see easily see but is difficult for older (wiser) adults to see. Find a very small table. Using duct tape or a hook with string and hang a fun object (perhaps faith related) under the table. The children can easily see it. Have a tall adult come forward. As they look down from on high they won’t be able to see the object. Explain that some things (like God’s amazing love) seem to be easily understood by young children. To understand and see older and wiser people need to humble themselves and get down on their knees (Making themselves like small children).
Object lesson items needed:
-A small children’s table (preferably with legs shorter than a card table)
- A Christian symbol, toy, or picture on a string that you can hang down underneath the table
(I would recommend prepping your (older, wise) adult so they work with you well.)
Complete Children's sermon on Humility
Good morning children!
In our gospel reading this morning from Matthew chapter 11 Jesus says that some things (like the amazing love of Jesus) are “Hidden from the wise and learned but revealed to children.” I thought I would bring someone forward this morning who I think is very wise and learned. Mr. Johnson, would you come forward this morning? Now Mr. Johnson, I think you are pretty smart. You are a scientist who works at the university. How many years did you go to school / university? Wow! That is a long time. Well, this morning I’m going to show you something and I want to know what you see. Ask the children not to say anything and bring out the table with the object hidden underneath. Now Mr. Johnson, I’d like you to look down at this and tell me what you see. (He will just see a blank table top. Encourage him to use all his highly scientific brainpower!) (Now ask the children, who can see under the table, if they see anything that tall and wise Mr. Johnson can’t see.) That’s right! There is a wonderful picture of Jesus with his arms outstretched in love. You could see it because you are not too tall. Mr. Johnson, you still can’t see what they see. Children, what would he need to do if he wanted to see what you see? (They will suggest that he bends down.) That’s right. If he wants to see he is going to have to get down on his knees and make himself small. Encourage Mr. Johnson to do this. (He can moan and groan a bit for effect.)
Jesus said that his teaching was sometimes hidden from the wise and learned but revealed to little children. Going to school and learning is important. However, you could go to school for 20 years and be the smartest person in the world and still not understand Jesus and God’s wonderful love. God will show his love to anybody who simply opens up his or her heart and turns to him. Young children sometimes understand God’s great love more than adults do!
Children’s Prayer: Dear God, thank you that we don’t have to be really old or really smart to understand Jesus and his wonderful love. In Jesus’ name – Amen!
Copyright 2014 Andrew Hewlett and Sundaychildrensfocus.com Feel free to use this kids talk but please give credit to Sundaychildrensfocus and consider linking your church to this sight. Thank you! A.H.