Children's Sermons - Free (Christian (Gospel) object Lessons for kids - Children's Church / Sunday School (or Homeschool) /Bible lessons etc. Season of Lent  (Planning to include asap short kids videos on YouTube) 




- Object lesson for Easter Dayor Try this Resurrection Easter skit -

 Text for this week Matthew 21:1-11    Palm Sunday - (Stay tuned: Planning to make short videos that I can send out to our children during this time of Covid-19) or Check out this for Palm Sunday and Holy Week - (Walking with Jesus - Palms, Bread and Wine, and the Cross.) --> -- (You'll notice I've made it more interactive so parents can be involved in the discussion. 

: Lazarus - come out -wake up! - To Jesus bringing the dead back to life is just like waking someone up! Here is what I put together --

John 9:1-41  I was blind but now I see - the man born blind. Spiritual blindness - and seeing Jesus (Lent 4) 

John 4:5-42 The woman at the Well (Jesus gives the water of life!) 

 ( Good News!  - We will be restructuring this web site to get it more organized and user friendly for hand held devices - stay tuned!  God willing there will be new material posted up as well - Turning over a new leaf in 2020!)












==> Unrelated interlude - I believe my daughter has real gift for capturing the beauty of creation. Can't help boasting a bit. Check out Judith's instagram page!   (If you look closely I'm in there with Judith on my shoulders - few years ago)                                                     

Creative Sunday school ideas 4 kids: FREE: Children's sermons / skits (note: Many of these sermons for kids could be adapted into great sermon illustrations for youth group / adults) Short children's sermons    

(Please Note: Consider visiting the resources on the right side of the page. That's how I am able to provide this material free to you) and please "Like" a page if you find something helpful)- 


Easter Devotions / Kids talk for Youth Group, Sunday school, or Children's Church  -                                                                                                     balloons

Sunday School Teachers: Great ideas and illustrations for anyone involved in ministry to children.---

--Christ Centered / Evangelical - focusing on the Gospel as "Good News." -

Designed primarily for the short "Children's Focus" during Sunday Morning worship, these Children's sermons can be used in a variety of ways: An introduction to a Sunday School lesson, for Children's Church /Chapel, Youth Group or Kids club, etc. I trust these Christian sermons for Children will be a great resource for Pastors and Sunday School teachers.  Blessings,  Pastor Andrew  -- Any feed back would be much appreciated!    pastorandrew(at) opengatechurch (dot) ca  

Note: Stay tuned as I post stories on YouTube -Valuable to God- Gods Love - Secure in God's love- Repentance

These Sermon's for Children are:

  • Biblical - Present good theology even if it's in a simplified form.
  • Fun  - Avoid the "O brother, here comes the boring message" reaction.
  • Interactive - That's how kids learn. It's best when they use all the senses. I try to involve the congregation too.
    Christ centered - Most of these stories are focused on Jesus and the love of God.
  • Short - Most children have a short attention span.  (Sunday school teachers know this well)

Free Childrens Sermons 
- In the near future I will be including ideas on:
-- Sunday School Crafts
-- Sunday School Games or Youth Group Games
-- Other Sunday school ideas      ...stay tuned!
-- Printable Bible quizzes for kids